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Marcus P.O.V

It was hard to believe him. My whole life, it was constantly hammered into my head that only the strongest magic wielders would matter, that failure, weakness, wasn't optional. I was used to being told to try harder, or that whatever I was doing simply wasn't enough for them to care, or acknowledge. Horrible right? It was a lot worse when I was a child and still discovering magic, but it really should have been the time my parents had been more lenient. I didn't come out of the womb wielding magic, but they acted like I should have.

In my youth, I had always wanted to be told that whatever I did with magic was amazing, instead, I was told that 'others are already able to . . . ' It had been rough to always be compared to the other children in the coven. Most of the time, those children were older and in a more advanced stage in their magical development. So I was unfairly compared because we never seemed to be on the same stage.

I wasn't born into a large family, the opposite to be honest. My mother and father were the only family members I had. I'm sure I had grandparents once, but I've never met them, nor do I know if their even alive. The three of us had once been apart of a more prominent coven, but something terrible happened while I was still a baby, and that coven no longer existed. Wiped out, my mother had said that not a soul would dare to mutter its name, no one but us. It was suspicious if you asked me that no one but us survived. I never asked about it, though, knowing it wasn't really my place to ask. It wasn't worth the scolding I'd receive from my mother.

Out of my parents, my mother was the sole reason behind my ever-growing pressure. My father was a more nature-related magic wielder, great with herbs and plants, not with destruction, which was the exact opposite of my mother. Her powers couldn't do anything but cause destruction and pain. My father could never harm a soul, but my mother wouldn't struggle in doing so. It was a weird combination, a combination that resulted in me. My powers came from those around me and the earth. My powers weren't limited to small chants or mind tricks; it could be used for so much more or less. It was just draining for me to do something out of my tiny comfort zone, for example, nature.

Maybe that's why one of my fated's was a werewolf.

Maybe it is. Considering how unlikely it is to even find your fated, I never expected to find one, let alone two. It was a blessing. One was a human, or I'm assuming Tiny is human, and the other, a werewolf. Werewolves had one of the strongest connections to the moon and earth, well, aside from earth wielders and elves. It probably wouldn't be that shocking that one of my fated's was a werewolf.

It wasn't even shocking to me once I got past the initial, 'OMG I JUST FOUND MY FATED'S,' faze. Once I got over the fact that I had two fated's, everything else was normal when compared.

That is what I spent the morning after thinking about as I prepared for school. I kept everything that happened to myself, not ready to inform my parents, mainly my mother, about the good news. My father would be happy for me, but my mother would probably complain. When it came to me, she wanted me to look past my fated(s) and fall for someone powerful. My parents were fated's, but I could easily see that my mother wished dad was more powerful. She had been pushing me into dating someone powerful and strong, regardless of gender. At least she wasn't homophobic. Otherwise, my fated situation would only piss her off more. I honestly think she never thought I'd find my fated(s), as the chance of finding that special someone had seemingly decreased within the recent years.

I'd need to develop a stronger bond between myself and my fated's before I go around showing them off. They deserved to be showed off, though. Would they want to be shown off? I don't think Grayson would mind it, probably encourage it, but Tiny was human, and humans were iffy about homosexuality and presenting it in public. I wasn't sure if they were even gay, or out of the closet. I don't want to be the reason they come out of the closet for our relationship. I didn't need the world to know my relationship status. It would hurt because a subconscious worry would form over them, not caring about me because they wouldn't want to hold my hand in public, but I'd ignore it for their sake. There was a chance that it wouldn't be like that at all, the complete opposite of my fears. That they'd want to be paraded around the world with me, our hands clasped together, not a thing in between us.

I could only hope that things would turn out like that, but there was a big chance it wouldn't be that easy.

I gently tapped my head against the window of Zachariah's car. I didn't usually end up traveling with Zachariah and his sister, Lillith, but today was just one of those days. Lillith was a year younger than both me and Zachariah, but she was nothing short of a boring girl. No offense to her, but she didn't have a lot of interesting things about herself to mention. She liked to knit and do puzzles. She enjoyed school and studying. She was smart, but she didn't branch out and find new things, further express herself to the world. It was just the way that the two of them were raised.

Zachariah pulled into the school parking lot, parking in the west corner where my coven mates seemed to claim as their area. Once a kid parked in one of our designated spots, they came back to find their tires slashed. No one has parked there since.

"Thanks for the ride," I mumbled as I hoped out of the car before I could even receive a response. I immediately began my hunt for my tiny fated. I told Grayson to meet me after school, where we met for the first time that I would try and bring tiny with me. Grayson developed the most adorable and happy expression at the thought of the three of us, together.

I didn't even stop at my locker. Instead, I walked around the entire school, keeping my eyes open for Tiny, paying close attention for the smaller, twink looking male. Maybe it wasn't the best mental description, but regardless of which nickname I used, tiny or twink, he'd be mad, so there wasn't a better option until I learn of his real name.

Just when the second bell rang, and I was about to give up, I saw him standing at the end of the hallway, creeping around, most definitely attempting to avoid me. Turning the corner, I rushed after him.

It was kind of creepy of me.

The things you do when you meet you're fated. 

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