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Time P.O.V

I didn't stay near the cafeteria for long after the girls passed out. I needed to get away from all the drama and panic. With everyone in the cafeteria freaking out the way they were, it was kind of overwhelming. After knocking the girls out, I deeply regretted it. It caused more panic than good, although I did stop Lainny from attempting to hurt Jordan. With the way Lainny was grabbing at Jordan's throat, she was clearly about to make a bad decision.

She was lucky I stepped in because no one else seemed remotely interested in stopping Lainny from choking Jordan. I bet the school will place teachers in the cafeteria during lunch now.

Maybe I should have kept the truth to myself. None of this would have happened if I had kept my thoughts, and others, to myself. Everyone could have continued to live in a blissfully-ignorant haze, not that the truth would have changed that many people's lives. Only the two couples should be really affected. Usually, the rumors and the truth didn't get taken this far. I kind f wish I didn't start this at all.

But honestly, Lainny did deserve to know her boyfriend was cheating, no matter how much of a mean girl she is. So does Jordan's ex.

Everyone deserves the truth.

After splitting the two girls apart by knocking them out, my body showed me the physical side-effect of pushing myself too far. Warm, red blood was flowing from my nose. I don't usually tamper with the part of a brain that affects the conscious. Thoughts and memories were so much easier to handle on my abilities compared to knocking people unconscious.

Half of the time, I didn't even have to search for thoughts; they came to me. There was nothing better than accidentally overhearing thoughts containing the juiciest dramas. When this drama showed itself to me, I had been looking for it. I have been craving a new dramatic situation. I wish I had stayed home that day.

I loved the drama I start even if I will never get to take credit for starting it. I was fine with being a shadow. I know a lot of people could preach that a lie can be better than the truth, but I see it differently. The naked truth is a whole lot better than a well-dressed lie. I hate when people hide the truth, even with good reason, or without.

I might not lie Lainny, but she was dating a cheater. I think anyone would want to know if their partner was cheating. They might not like that truth or the reality that comes with it, but it's better to find out sooner than later. She may be mean and manipulative, but when I looked through her memories and thoughts, I could see that she generally like Tim. It kind of surprised me, considering she seemed like she doesn't care in the slightest about anybody, putting on a facade to show off, but she was different on the inside. I wonder why she does that, why she thinks she has to act a certain way to get people to like her. It doesn't seem like it's worth the time or effort.

I can't imagine forcing myself to be someone I'm not for the entertainment of others. I don't think I could keep a charade like that going for very long before I'd slip up and show the real me. I would break under the constant pressure of being someone I wasn't.

Another drop of blood fell from my nose and onto the hallway floor, leaving a faint trail of blood in my wake. I could only wipe my nose to temporarily remove the blood from my face, leaving a streak mark under my nostrils. My sleeve was covered in blood, becoming a darker and more consistent color the more I wiped. It was disgusting to me how much I could bleed after overusing my powers. I really should have assumed that knocking, not one, but two people at the same time would be a stretch. When I was younger, nosebleeds were a common occurrence because my abilities would flare up with no control on my part. As a kid, reading minds was much harder, too much would cause the nose bleeds and exhaustion. My body seemed to adapt with time, becoming stronger against the effects of my ability.

Another drop of blood falls, shortly followed by yet another.

I wipe my nose when necessary as I walk to the nurse's office at a slow pace. If I walk to fast, I'll interrupt the nurse while she is busy with Lainny and Jordan. Not to mention I'd probably faint if I walked to fast. I don't really have control over when they'll wake up again, but it shouldn't be long. I don't do the unconscious trick very often, mainly because of the strain of it, but because it wasn't necessary. The strain was only worse this time because I used my powers on two people, instead of the typical one.

The headache was proving to be the most annoying part of the whole ordeal. A bloody nose I can deal with, a pounding headache that would haunt me for hours, that's a different story. I usually wouldn't go to the nurse's office, but this headache will distract me from working, and if I tried to focus, I'd pass out in class. The last thing I wanted was to be as dramatic as Lainny. A teacher would probably send me to the nurse anyway if they saw the bloody nose.

I could only hope that the nurse has a third cot in her office. I can't remember if she does or doesn't. I really need a place to lay down and nap the headache away. It would be nice to nap in the silence of the nurse's office, far away from the stress and overactive minds of my classmates.

I knock on the door gently, cracking the door open while looking down, hoping that my bloody nose wasn't obvious.

"Hey, Mrs. Farwn, may I lay down in here for a minute? I'm a little light-hea," I stopped when I looked up and froze upon seeing the situation taking place in front of me. A guy was standing near Lainny and Jordan, who remained unconscious, and over the nurse who was lying limp on the floor underneath him. I recognized him as Marcus, Jordan's ex-boyfriend, and the guy I saw use magic in the hallway yesterday. My eyes couldn't decide on what to focus on, the guy or the nurse.

The guy, Marcus, simply stared at me instead of making sure the nurse was okay. Ignoring the pain of my headache, I make a rapid and irrational decision.

I turned around and ran from the nurse's office as quickly as I could, ignoring the headache and the bleeding.

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