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Grayson P.O.V

The last thing I expected to have happen when I arrived at the school was finding my mate. It might not have been the most graceful meeting, but it would definitely be one of my most cherished memories.

Meeting my mate wasn't anything like the way other wolves said it would be. When I met my mates eyes, I didn't feel what the other werewolves said I would. I didn't feel like I suddenly feel in love or extremely strong bursts of emotions. It felt more like a gate opening, a path that hadn't been accessible suddenly cleared. It was a rush. It was nothing I had ever felt before. The feelings were all brand new.

They felt even newer due to my lack of dating experiences. I was never interested in any of the girls at my school or the packhouse. Due to my lack of interest, I never had a girlfriend. Works out in my case, because it wasn't even a girl that I should have been looking for, it was a boy.

My body warmed, and I subconsciously pulled the small boy closer to my chest, determined to keep him there for as long as possible, ignoring the small motions of him fidgeting. It was then that I noticed something that made my heart stop and my protective urges kick into overdrive. There was a smell of blood mixed with my mates natural scent. My mate was bleeding. From the small forming blood stain forming on my shirt, I could tell it was his nose that was bleeding. Protectively, I pulled him closer. Did someone do something to him that would cause him to have a bloody nose?

I was startled out of protectiveness when my tiny mate gave another attempt to pull away from my hold. The doors my mate popped out of opened yet again, making my eyes temporarily leave my mate to lock onto the new person. To say I was shocked would have to be an understatement.

In the doorway of the school's front entrance stood another guy. The same connection that I felt form my tiny mate ran through this guy as well. Another mate. I was more than shocked. Werewolves didn't typically have multiple mates. It would probably take my pack a while to adjust since multiples were rare. Hopefully, no one would object. Our mates were chosen for us by the moon goddess, mother of wolves. To go against one of her pairings was seen the same as going against her wishes. I was more than excited, though. Not only would I have one mate to squish and cherish and love, but I would have two! That's double the love.

I could practically feel my smile growing wider as I put more of the situation together; my mind began to plan the future out. Picturing everything that could happen, that would happen. Our first couple of dates, our first kisses. Everything.

In my moment of love-daze, my tinier mate yanked himself out of my arms, startling me. I immediately attempted to grab him again, but he took off, running down the sidewalk. I took a couple of steps in his direction, ready to chase after him before I noticed our other mate not chasing after him.

"Aren't we going to follow him?" I asked, confused at the situation. I tilted my head slightly, wanting to follow after the smallest of us three and stay together. I couldn't help but be slightly disappointed when he shook his head.

"No, I'll find him later, I'm Marcus," Marcus said, reaching his hand out for me to shake. I smiled brightly at him, taking the few steps between us before wrapping my arms around him. He was bigger than tiny mate but smaller than me. I could tell that my hug shocked him, but shortly he wrapped his arms around me to return the embrace. All I could focus on was the same tingles that appeared when I first caught and held our tiny mate. It completely confirmed that they were both my mates.

I pulled back slightly, the widest grin I've ever grinned was stuck on my face. It would take a lot to make me frown right now. I examined his face before deciding to introduce myself in return.

"I'm Grayson!" I said excitedly. "You're my mate!" I admitted in amazement. I didn't come to this school expecting to find my mate, not even one mate, but two! It was incredible.

"I'm aware of that," Marcus admitted, making me at him in confusion. I couldn't help but lean forward to sniff the air around him, picking up on his scent. He smelt human, but considering the way he didn't freak out when I hugged him and seemed to comprehend everything that was going on, maybe he wasn't?

"You smell human, but humans don't know about supernatural stuff like mates," I hesitated, debating on asking my next question. "Are you a supernatural?" It was a kind of dangerous question, some supernaturals flip out when asked that.

Marcus didn't seem to mind, though. "I'm a warlock, sorcerer, magic wielder, whichever you prefer to use. I basically have magic," He lifted his delicate-looking hands up and in his palms, a ball of flames formed. It disappeared quickly, but I had seen enough to be amazed.

"That is so cool!" I said as I examined his hands, looking for signs of the ball of fire hurting him. "My best friend would have gone crazy over something like that," I added, thinking about how Jordan would have been as amazed as I was. Multiple times Jordan has told me that we were born a boring supernatural species. She used to read about the elusive fae's who lived in another realm and species like Marcus, the ones who were able to do mystical magic.

"Whose that?" Marcus asked curiously. A spark of happiness burst from my chest. My mate was interested in my life; about me.

Wait . . . best friend . . .

"Oh, f*ck! I just remembered why I came here," I said, running past my mate and into the school building, sniffing out Jordan's distinctive she-wolf scent. I knew I couldn't just go to the nurse's office without getting a d*mned visitors pass. When I burst into the school's front office, I startled the lady sitting inside.

"Oh Lord, honey, next time, just knock, okay?" She asked kindly, making me feel bad for frightening her. I smiled at her, nodding, making myself ignore the guilt. "Okay, what can I do for you?" She asked, making direct eye contact. It felt nice to be treated like an equal. My uncle never spoke to me like that, any conversation I'd have with him was him talking down to me.

"Oh, Jordan Coble! I received a call. I'm here to pick her up from the nurse's office," I told the lady, hoping it would get why I was here across. After showing her a fake pack initiated ID, I signed my name on the visitor sheet and was given the lovely orange VISITOR sticker that I happily stuck to the center of my chest.

Exiting the office, my mate, Marcus, was waiting for me, probably overhearing the entire conversation due to me leaving the door cracked the whole time. Things people do when they are in a rush.

"So your best friend is Jordan . . . " He mumbled, looking shyer than before. Before he seemed so calm and collected, now he just looks so . . . CUTE!!

"Yep," I agreed happily, walking in the direction of the nurse's office, my mate walking alongside me.

"Oh boy," Marcus mumbled as we stood outside the nurse's office. I gave him a confused look, waiting for him to explain.

"Jordan is my ex-girlfriend," Marcus admitted as I pushed to open the door to the office. I couldn't help but pause as I took in that information. I knew Jordan had a boyfriend recently, but she didn't mention the guy every often.

Wow, so things were going to be awkward. I ignore that thought as I walk into the office, preparing myself for anything. 

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