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Marcus P.O.V

I could only watch as my ex-girlfriend, Jordan, and Lainny began to fight. 

I walked into the cafeteria minutes before the fighting actually started. I didn't expect to come to lunch only to watch two girls fight each other. I don't think anybody comes to the cafeteria, expecting to witness a fight. I know Jordan, if only the slightest, and I know she is not the type of person to fight, she wasn't violent unless she had to be.

It took me a couple of seconds before I actually realized they were going to fight. I simply assumed that Lainny was coming up to her for a one on one talk. I had been watching Jordan before the fight began, intending on getting an explanation about the whole cheating thing. I didn't want to walk away without knowing or speaking about it.

Come to think of it, how did the school even find out? I doubt that Jordan would go around spreading it, and I don't think the guy she cheated on me with, Tim, would either. The first person who talked about it was Lainny, and by now, I highly doubt it was a lie. Neither Jordan nor Tim denied the whole thing. They didn't seem like they were planning on proving a false innocence.

The cafeteria was filled with noises, people talking loudly, jokes getting made. Not involved in the sound was my ex-girlfriend, who was currently sitting alone looking all sad and depressed.

I shouldn't have felt bad for her. She cheated on me, instead of staying loyal as any partner would hope. Maybe what truly got my blood boiling was the fact that Lainny was gaining more popularity out of the whole situation. She was using this drama to her advantage, and I didn't like it one bit. I don't think anyone in this school should care. It's just a story about two kids cheating on their partners, and everyone was blowing it out of proportion.

I had been working up the nerve to walk over and talk to her, although I was probably not the person she wanted to talk to. I've noticed how the school was treating her, and the last thing she wants is an interrogation.

Unlike her, I knew about her being a werewolf. She doesn't know that I know, I never got around to telling her I wasn't human either. Although I was able to blend into the human population, I occasionally wonder if she knew about me not being human. Knowing a little about werewolves, I wonder if she just found her mate.

I know very little about the whole werewolf mating thing. I knew it was something unique to the werewolves, although other species, including my own, have something similar. We call ours 'fated.' A person that we share a magical and spiritual connection to. Unlike a werewolf mating bond, ours cannot be rejected or altered. When you find your fated, you'll know. Eye-contact or skin contact. With werewolves, it was more of a scent thing.

I want to think she cheated on me because she found her mate. I like to think that because there's a reason she cheated instead of just cheating to cheat. I never thought that Jordan would be the type of girl to cheat, but I guess cheaters are a type. I should have remembered that high school relationships aren't guaranteed to last. I think we always knew we'd eventually break up, but I didn't think it would be because of that.

She cheated, and I want and explanation. Although now doesn't seem like a good time for her.

Lainny had her hands wrapped around Jordan's throat, choking her. Lainny had crocodile tears running down her face, mascara making pitiful little lines down her cheeks. The act was soaked up by everyone else, but I saw right past it, noticing the faintest smirk showing through the whole illusion.

Jordan could have fought back, she was most definitely stronger than a mere human, but she wasn't. She seemed to be in shock. Lainny tightened her grip for a moment, and I was about to intervene because no one else seemed willing to stop the girl from choking Jordan when they both froze before collapsing to the floor, both of them unconscious. The entire cafeteria went still in shock before the panicking began.

Unlike everyone else, I glanced around the room, my eyes scanning for someone or something that could have made the two both pass out. If one of them had, that would be one thing. But they both fainted at the exact same time. It was too much of a coincidence for me to feel comfortable.

I would have to be able to touch one of them to sense what type of magic was used. I couldn't do that in front of a group of panicking teenagers.

Within five minutes, which was a longer time period than expected, a nurse finally entered the cafeteria along with a few teachers who assisted in moving the two girls to the nurse's office after concluding they simply fainted. 'Stress' was what the nurse was assuming it to be caused by. If I was human, I would have believed that in a heartbeat, but I know magic exists.

While the rest of my peers were escorted to their classes, I managed to slip by the teachers, heading towards the nurse's office. I walked in without knocking, seeing the nurse place a wet cloth on Lainny's forehead. The sound of the door opening caught the nurse's attention, resulting in her turning to look at me.

"Excuse me, you should have knocked bef-" A simply wave of my hand had the nurse falling onto the floor, as unconscious as the girls lying on the cots.

"Sorry," I mumbled, stepping over her unconscious body, thankful that magic exists. The nurse wouldn't remember me when she woke up, nor the whole falling asleep part. It was very convenient for someone who was breaking into a place they weren't necessarily supposed to be. Right when I was about to make my way over to Jordan, a knock on the door stopped me. I froze in shock as the door cracked open, and I saw a boy I didn't recognize, step into the office.

"Hey, Mrs. Farwn, can I lay down in here for a minute? I'm feeling really light-heade-" The boy stopped when he looked up from his feet, taking in the scene. It probably didn't look good, seeing me standing over the unconscious nurse.

I was about to start panicking when I locked eyes with him. A sudden warmth started in my chest, and the longer our eyes were locked, the more intense the feeling grew. It took me a couple of seconds before I figured out what this feeling was and how important it was.

This boy was my fated. 

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