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 Grayson P.O.V

It was an exciting kind of weird to bring one of my mates onto the pack grounds. If I was honest, I never thought the day would come. Being in a secluded pack, I was rarely allowed to leave. I was used to it, being told to never leave without permission, a rule I knowingly broke today for Jordan. It turned out to be an excellent decision, though, as I met both of my mates today. It would be a funny story to mention, later on, something we could all laugh about in like ten years or so.

'How'd you meet your mates?' 'Oh, it's a funny story--'

I kept my eyes on Marcus as we neared the borderlines of the park territory. Although I knew little about magic, I did know that my pack had a thin magical line surrounding the pack borders. It was something that has existed since the establishment of the pack. It was the only magical thing my pack had, and it wasn't the strongest thing in the world. From what I've heard, barrier magic was amongst the weakest one could use.

When we crossed the barrier, Marcus physically flinched, clearly not expecting for there to be something magical surrounding my pack. Jordan moved in my arms slightly, sensing the barrier. We were used to the barrier, as we've lived in the pack our entire lives.

Marcus froze for a second, his eyes wide as he turned his head towards me. He took a deep breath before a shaky laugh escaped him. "That's new," Marcus mumbled, as we continued, furthering into pack territory. He probably didn't notice it because of how thin and weak it was. It was rather easy for normal humans to accidentally walk onto pack boundaries without meaning to. The barrier usually made humans feel anxious, and it usually made them leave our territory. For werewolves, it let them know that this land was claimed and owned.

"Sorry, I should have warned you," I said as I mentally smacked my head. I should have warned him instead of watching for his reaction. Thankfully the barrier won't be a big problem with Tiny, considering he was a human and wouldn't likely feel anything more than a small sense of anxiety. I looked down after apologizing, feeling bad.

"Hey, that isn't something to apologize over, you just forgot," Marcus soothed me. "It didn't hurt or anything, it just startled me."

I nodded, feeling a little better about it. I would be feeling so much more guilty if the barrier happened to hurt him. We continued down the faintly outlined path, one that became more apparent the closer we got to the packhouse. Cars weren't used on this particular path; it was kind of the back entrance used by us in human and wolf form. In its own way, it was an escape route in the scenario of the pack getting attacked. I used it more often for my own personal escape route. How else was I supposed to escape the packhouse without my uncle throwing a mega fit?

If I were old enough to fight for the position of alpha, I would have done it by now. Sometimes I can't figure out why one of my pack members hasn't tried to yet. When I turn eighteen, I am going to challenge my uncle.

I would have to be patient. I can't screw it up now. I don't want to see my parent's legacy end with my uncle ultimately driving the pack into a pile of debt.

We continued walking down the path, with me leading the way. I wonder if Marcus would have been able to find his way without me guiding him. The woods were vast and thick, filled with other predators who would be very willing to harm anyone who ventured to close.

I was used to the scenery, but my mate was not. It was clear that he was trying to take it all in as quickly as he could; his eyes were memorizing everything he could. I had to admit; the woods were one of the prettiest attributes that the pack had to offer; it was rarely appreciated, though. I could only dream of the day that my pack members would be free to shift and roam the woods like we were able to do back when I was a pup. Since my uncle took over the pack, he limited when and where we could shift.

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