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Grayson P.O.V

I don't know how I found myself standing there, but I found myself standing above my sleeping best friends sprawled across the couch in the living area of the packhouse. It was definitely not the thing I thought I'd walk into when I come home from school, a place she should still be. Unlike her, I attend a private school in the next county over, while everyone else attends the one closer to town. The whole private school thing was far from my own choice, something my uncle insisted, more like forced, me into doing.

A more personalized learning experience, a more advanced one. I don't think it is necessary for me to have a more expensive education compared to my packmates, but I had no say in it. I find the prices for my school, compared to my best friends, outrageous. It was a wonder my uncle could even afford to have me placed in such an expensive school without going bankrupt. With how much my uncle disliked me, you'd think he'd not waste the money on my education.

I can only assume it has something to do with me being the only heir to the pack after his own son packed his bags and left. No one has seen my cousin since, and I doubt he'll be coming back any time soon. It was mysterious, my cousin's disappearance, but it managed to push my uncle over the edge.

Refocusing on my sleeping friend, a small smile formed on my face. She has been my best friend since before I could remember. She had been there when my parents died and stuck around after my uncle managed to chase everyone else off. My uncle had taken the position of alpha after m father died. My uncle made alphas look bad. Because of him, I have been reduced to the position of beta when I had the blood of a young alpha running through my veins. He degraded me from a position I was born to hold into one of a beta. I had been born for the alpha position, and my uncle stole my chance to have that position.

I carefully lift my best friend, Jordan, off the couch, noticing that she looked very uncomfortable lying there in the position she had been. I managed to carry her to my room without bumping into any of the other pack members.

I laid her down on my bed, which was the only acceptable surface for sleeping. I sighed, backing away from her, my mind mass creating questions for when she woke up. Like why she was home and not attending school like she was supposed to be. I knew Jordan enough to know she was avoiding something; I just don't know what. When it came to her school life, I was in the dark unless she told me.

Walking over to my empty looking desk, I sit down, pulling out some leftover work that I failed to finish during the class. Even though a large portion of my academic structure was based on an online-program, occasionally, written work would sneak its way into existence. Not wanting to waste time in doing it later, I started on it immediately, using it as a time passer for when Jordan would wake up.

My uncle was out of the house with the beta doing who knows what. He was mysterious like that, a dangerous man. How could a pack run properly when there was no trust between the members and the alpha? I know that in the dead of night, my pack members compare my uncle to my deceased father in terms of a leader. No one seemed to like my uncle in the leadership position, and neither did I. The moment I turn eighteen, I am going to challenge him for the position of alpha and reclaim what is mine.

It took a little over an hour for Jordan to awaken from her nap. It was funny watching her jerk up in a panic when she realized she wasn't where she originally passed out. When she realized where she was, she flung a pillow at me. What a good thanks for placing her on a comfortable surface.

"You *ss!! I thought I had been kidnapped or something!" Jordan squealed at me, pulling one of my many pillows to her chest, hugging it to her. The face she was making was almost enough to send me into a spell of laughter. The pouty bottom lip and the angry eyes, mixed with a flushed, almost embarrassed looking expression, made the perfect face.

Like anybody would want to kidnap her.

"Ha-ha, like anyone would want to kidnap your *ss, they'd return you," I said, smiling at her, hoping she'd play along with the friendly banter before I realized that I lost her focus. Instead of paying attention to me, her eyes were locked onto her phone, which had fallen out of her pocket when she sat up in a rush.

The photo was getting spammed with notifications and messages coming in from various sources. Ignoring the phone and refocusing on my friend, I noticed the slightest look of anxiety and fear gracing her face. Whatever was on her phone was most definitely the answer to my previously thought questions.

Before thinking it through, I reached forward quickly, snatching the phone off the bed. It was an immediate reaction from Jordan, whose eyes widen drastically. She tried to grab her phone back, but I held the device up in the air high enough for her to not be able to reach. I unlocked her phone with my fingerprint, something she was probably regretting right about now. The home screen appeared, giving the false illusion that everything was okay, swiping down to reveal the phone notification, I selected the one that the majority of the notifications were coming from, Snapchat. When I did, a lot of things fell into place.

I very quickly summed up that this was about someone cheating. But not just anybody cheating, my best friend. What was worse was the spammed text messages that were all hateful and mean.

It was enough to make me want to curl into a ball and never look at my phone again. Is this what my best friend has been dealing with? For how long? I turned to look at her, but she was now sitting on the bed, seemingly giving up on attempting to hide the messages on the phone from me. Her gaze was downcast as if she was fearful of my reaction.

Why does she always get herself into bad drama?

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