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Time P.O.V

It was almost scary how quickly rumors were able to spread throughout my school and community. I knew when I decided to spread this rumor that Lainny was popular. I knew that, but I didn't think she would tell everyone who would listen about this. Lainny, on her own, was able to blow this whole thing entirely out of proportion.

Considering that I am the one who decided to start the spread of this rumor, a part of me should feel bad about it, that would be if I actually cared about them as people.

At this point, it was already getting boring. The gossip was all old; everything was the same. I was more than tired about hearing people sympathize for Lainny and slander Jordan. All Jordan had done was cheat on her own boyfriend for someone else's boyfriend; it was only blowing up the way it is because it was Lainny's boyfriend.

It had only been one day, and the entire situation only worsened because Jordan decided to attend school. I had been standing in the hallway near the front doors when she walked in. I could immediately tell that she would not be able to handle the harsh words our peers would say.

I felt a small amount of pity for her, for what I knew she was about to face. She was lucky that she came in seconds before the bell would ring. Otherwise, this hallway would have been littered with people. She didn't notice me standing there, which was good.

It would be a couple of classes before everyone knew she was at school. I wonder if she knows exactly how extensively the spread of the rumor has managed to go. I watched as she disappeared down the hallway, rushing off towards her doom.

I was partially correct with my estimation. It was a few classes before everyone knew Jordan was at school, and the effect of this knowledge was immediate. The moment Jordan stepped out of her fourth-period class, the bullying began. Everyone seemed to take a personal offense in her cheating, their reaction towards it not making a lot of sense.

They mocked Jordan, making her out to seem envious of Lainny, calling her a man-stealer, calling her a wh*re, b*tch, a c*cksucker. I found the last one funny because last time I checked, anyone can suck c*ck, but only a select few can actually do it correctly.

Like every day after fourth-period, I found myself leaning against a set of lockers located close to the entrance of the cafeteria. I rarely ever ventured into the actual cafeteria, too many people in such a small space for an extended amount of time. That was probably why I stayed out of the cafeteria and remained in the hallway. I still manage to pick up thoughts from those who enter, but it wasn't enough to give me a headache.

It was probably because of my lack of social interaction with my peers that I was able to hide in plain sight, blending in as someone unimportant. That probably assists in my ability to spread gossip. I'm sure that some of the kids in my school know who I am, not a lot of kids in this school have names as unique as my own, but aside from my weird name, they didn't know a lot about me.

It was easier to be just the weird kid with the weird name than to actually have friends and socialize. It doesn't help that I'd know every single thing they'd be thinking about me. In the past, I've gotten hurt by letting people in, only to learn that they didn't like me as much as the said.

Multiple times I've learned that they only hung out with me out of pity. Fake friends. I ruined their lives after that, but they deserved it. Two of them switched schools eventually because of how bad things got for them at school. If you can't be my friend because you want to be my friend, then stay out of my life. It wasn't shocking for me to not have friends considering I push everyone who even attempts to become my friend away.

I wouldn't need friends if the people who would be auditioning for the roles were the kids who attend this school. Most of them were as fake as they come.

Me standing outside the cafeteria gave me the opportunity to witness Jordan running off into the cafeteria. I felt bad, but she did bring this upon herself. I gave her a chance to avoid all of this, granted the truth would have eventually came out, but I gave her the opportunity for it to not be now. She gave up that chance when she didn't come to school yesterday.

A large group of people followed after Jordan, all of them attempting to look as if they weren't following after her. I was tempted to follow their suit, curious to see if anything was going to happen or if these guys were simply stalkers.

Peeking into the cafeteria from the wide-double doors, I almost wish I kept my nose out of their business in general. Jordan didn't go over to the line and get food; instead, she headed to an empty table close to where I probably would have sat and looked down. I can only describe the expression on her face for one that was pondering slamming her head against the table.

Whispers began, and very soon, Lainny knew Jordan was in the cafeteria. Lainny stood up, storming over to where Jordan was sitting. Lainny slammed her hands on the table, making Jordan jump in fright, looking up at Lainny like she didn't expect her to be standing there. It only escalated when Lainny reached across the table to smack Jordan in the face. Jordan's face turned to the side, and her hair was jostled to cover her face.

That was when the actual fighting began. Jordan looked back up with a p*ssed off expression on her face, clearly not liking getting smacked by a girl who was probably not her favorite person right now. She still didn't get much of a chance to fight because Lainny wrapped her hands around her throat, squeezing tightly. Lainny was screaming at Jordan, but I could focus on the words she was saying.

I could only hear Jordan gasp for air as she attempted to push Lainny away from her.

In a panic, I did what I thought was best. I couldn't risk going into the actual cafeteria to force them apart, and no one else seemed like they were too bothered with the fighting. Everyone seemed keen on routing for Lainny to win.

Although my powers are greatly limited, there was one thing I thought to do. I made them faint.  

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