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Marcus P.O.V

What can I say? I was just arrogant to think that it would never happen to me. I thought everything would work out in my favor, end as I intended it too. I must have put too much faith in her. She must not have cared as much as I thought she did. If she was willing to cheat, she could have at least dumped me prior. Instead, she had to go and destroy all the plans I had been hoping to build with her.

All for another boy who was in a relationship with some wannabe popular girl with an annoying voice. The girlfriend's name was Lainny, something I found out after hearing all the gossip spreading with wildfire.

"Did you hear . . . "

"Poor Lainny got cheated on by Tim . . . "

"Lainny is so pretty; how could he cheat on her?"

I was getting tired of hearing about this girl. Do the kids in my school assume that Lainny is the only one who got hurt by the news of their partner cheating? I don't even doubt that Lainny won't find another guy to like by the end of next week. She just seemed like that type of girl from the little I've seen and heard about her. I once had the 'pleasure' to be placed behind her for a semester during my freshman year. One of the worst classes ever.

I didn't even try and question my gir- ex because I just had the strongest hunch that this rumor was the truth. I don't know how I knew, I just did.

Which explained why I was sitting at lunch alone instead of with Jordan, my now ex-girlfriend. Instead of enjoying my lunch and chatting with someone, I was using this time to study the girl who was at the heart of the rumors, Lainny. Unlike me, she was receiving everyone's sympathy about the whole cheating thing. I didn't want anyone's pity; I just wanted the whole thing to be forgotten and disappear. It angered me that this girl, that Lainny, was going so far to get attention about it. She was blowing the whole 'cheating thing' way out of proportion. It was getting annoying to hear about my ex-girlfriend cheating on me with Lainny's boyfriend.

The more I observed Lainny sitting at her table, taking in all the sympathy with a smile, the more I began to dislike her. Did she understand what a unique personality was? It was actually enough to make me sick. The girl doesn't seem capable of having a single original thought nor an ounce of personality aside from 'b*tch.'

Is that all it takes to have that many friends? Maybe her friends are only friends with her out of pity. Friendly-pat-on-the-backs, sympathetic smiles, all the works. She was probably getting all the attention because Jordan was nowhere to be seen. Although I was angry with her for cheating on me, I was glad that she wasn't at school, I don't think anyone deserves the harsh comments that people were beginning to say about her. As mad as I was at her, she doesn't deserve that. Some kids were calling her a 'cheating wh*re.' She may have cheated, but that by no means makes her a wh*re.

For one of the first times in my entire life, I was happy to leave school. I didn't want to hear anything else about Jordan cheating, about the guy named Tim, or about the stupid girl named Lainny. I swear to a higher power if I heard anything else about it, I would end my own life.

Standing at my locker, I could only wait for one of my coven siblings to reply to my text message. I needed a ride home, and they were all heading to the same place, different cars. They tended to trade off who took who home.

I was lucky that I caught Zachariah before he left. We weren't particularly close with one another, but the bond between brethren was strong. It warmed my heart that he was willing to drive me home since he could have ignored my messages and left without me. It wouldn't have been that bad though, the place we lived was a closed-off trailer park with a limited residence.

Smiling with a hint of mischievousness, I decided to do something that wasn't particularly allowed. Since we were young, we were told not to use our abilities for something as pitiful as a prank. I felt as though I deserved to break the rules after having to deal with all these idiots. I'd only get in trouble if I manage to get caught.

The whole reason I have brethren is because I am a warlock, also known as a sorcerer. Some prefer to be called one or the other. Some think one of the terms is more degrading than the others. I honestly don't care if someone called me one or the other. Maybe one would flow better in a conversation than the other, but I don't think people really take into consideration proper grammar while speaking anymore.

Smirking, I thought of something quickly, as there was a limit with not only my powers but how obvious I wanted this prank to be. It had to be small enough that none of my brethren would notice. Which is why I decided something that involved slippier ice would suffice. It always made me feel better to watch people slip into following on the floor.

Softly muttering the words of the spell under my breath, I felt a sudden chill sweep through the hallway as my magic took a physical form on the ground, almost invisible. A vast majority of my magic came from my own personal energy, but some of it came from the discarded energy of others who have left behind magical traces. It appeared that I wasn't the only one who felt the chill from my magic, a couple of kids shivering.

I waited for a couple of minutes for the first victim to stumble across my trap, and when they did, laughter commenced. The curses leaving my peers mouths as they slip on something that wasn't there was miraculous. It was funny to watch them struggle to stand back up after falling over nothing. They all quickly attempted to blame each other for being the reason they fell. The poor girl who fell first was quick to accept the blame.

Oh well, it was so good to be me. 

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