Uhh airplane

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There was only one thing that I was afraid of and that was ridding in a plane and that's exactly what we where going to do.
I always think that they are going to crash or something.
We were going to get up early tomorrow because we have to finish packing because we have to be at the airport at 4:30 because our flight was at 5:30. We have the whole inside of the house packed and our furniture beds and stuff are being token to the junk yard.
We are going to stay at a hotel until our house is ready because we still have to decorate and put in furniture.

We had to pack the garage today.
I went downstairs and into the garage in the same clothes that I wore yesterday.
My parents were already almost done. So I went to go help I went and got my Penniboard,bike,banana board and my skateboard.

I'm actually pretty good at skateboarding I can do some cool tricks.
I put them in the uhaul and then got my dad's toolbox and other things and at 11:51 we where done.
We went inside and I took a shower and got dressed
I wore a back shirt with a skateboard on it and a blck pair of high wasted shorts with by black vans.
I curled my hair and packed my carry on.


We where at the airport getting our bags checked.

We heard our number 267 on the proucer thing and my heart started to race.


We got on the plane and I though that I was gunna have a heart attack.

I sat next to my mom and I sqessed her hand while we where taking off. When the plane started to just go strait then I let go I decited to take a nap sense I didn't get much sleep last night. My mom had the window seat me in the middle and my dad on the left.
I cuddled up next to my mom and fell asleep. We wouldn't be in nc (north Carolina) until tomorrow morning.

I was still shaking from the takeoff when we left.

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