15: Let them go

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Darks POV

I watched with a smile as Hazel hugged Robbie. He kinda stumbled around since he wasn't really able to walk on his own yet. I smiled and turned my head to kiss Antis cheek. "Something up?" He let go and pulled up a chair beside me. "Yeah, yeah there is." He frowned and out a hand on mine, what's wrong?" I glanced over and Hazel and Robbie. "She's grown up so fast. Next thing you know she'll be moving out with children if her own." I felt Anti tense before he spoke. "Dark, she's only sixteen. Cherish these days while we can." I smiled and gave him a kiss.

I snapped my head up when I heard a crash from what sounded to be from Google and Bims room. "You two stay there!" I pointed at Robbie and Hazel. They nodded as Google, Anti, and I ran up the stairs. "Bim?!" Wilford yelled after coming from his room, a very tired JJ following after him. I waited a minute before busting down the door. A man in a black cloak had a knife over Bims throat. "Don't move." His voice sounded familiar, but it was scratchy and strained. Must be an older man. "Let him go." The man started to laugh. "Okay." And he dropped him. What the... my question was answered when I heard a shriek from downstairs.

"Hazel!" Anti ran down the stairs with the rest of us behind him. Robbie and Hazel were backed against the wall in fear as the man stood in front of them. "Wait don't-" I could stop Anti before he threw a knife at the man, who disappeared causing the knife to nearly hit Robbie in the head. "I'm sorry Robb-" He was cut off when the man appeared behind him. "Anti look out." He man did harm him but he did grab him pull a knife to his throat. "I wouldn't move if I were you. I found the secret to killing glitches and this knife is coated with it. You try to glitch away and no matter what, this thing will kill you."

Anti face was emotionless he just stared at the knife. The man started laughing before he disappeared and reppaeared in front of Hazel and Robbie. He grabbed Hazel putting her into that same position. "Darkiplier." He turned around slowly. I already knew what was coming. "You're husband, or your daughter?" My stomach dropped. "You can't do that!" Henrik yelled. "Oh but can Henrik, or would you like me to perform a surgery on you where Edward has to watch you slowly bleed out as you please for his help, yet he can't do anything?" I heard Dr. Schneepelstein gulp and Edward grabbed his hand.  "Please, well give you what you want. Let them go." As I spoke, my aura grew bigger. "Aww is someone getting mad? Fine you give me my queen and I let them go." 

"But we don't know who your queen is!" Yandere shouted. The man made a 'tsk' noise. "Oh well, guess I can't free them. Actually I can free one of them, yeah Oll free one." He looked from Hazel to a Anti. I couldn't even think in this situation, either Anti would die or Hazel would die. And I didn't want either of them. "This one." He spike as he shoved the knife in front of Hazel into her side. "HAZEL!" We all yelled as she screamed and collapsed. I heard unstoppable laughter as I ran over to my daughter. She held her side crying loudly. "H-Hazel it's going to be  okay. Listen to me, you're going to be fine." I brushed some hair out of her face as she smiled. "D-dada? Where's daddy?" My eyes widened as I looked up and around the room. 

I saw Schneep and Dr. Iplier, Bim and Google, Yandere, The Jim's, JJ, Wilford, I saw everyone by Anti. And the man was gone. "No, not again...no no not again!" I quietly muttered to myself as the doctors took Hazel away to go help her. "Dark?" Wilford came over and out a hand on my shoulder. "You okay buddy?" I shook my head. "No! THIS HAS HAPPENED THREE TIMES NOW! HOW CAN I BE OKAY WHEN PEOPLE KEEP TAKING THE LOVE OF MY LIFE AWAY! EVERYTIME I GET TO A HAPPY POINT WITH HIM SOMEONE DECIDES THAT THEY NEED TO RIP AWAY FROM ME!" As K shouted the tears fell down my face. 

"Trust me a Dark I know. I may not know it the way you do, but we do know how you feel." JJ walked over to me and held up a small heart with his hands. I smiled and gave him a hug. "This feels like deja vu." I muttered. "Yeah, But we'll save them, just like we did last time." I smiled and motioned for Wilford to join the hug. He obliged with a smile. And to think that only a few hours ago i was doing this with hazel and Anti. This is the last time this happens, I promise.

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