Chapter 21 | You resemble her

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Recap ~
The Change

"Anika, we are not mistake! Calm down." assuaged Shivaay who couldn't see her in a vulnerable state.
"It's okay Ms.Anika! I won't throw you out of this job! I know you need money. But please don't play these cheap tricks. You trapped Shivaay but don't do this again with anyone." said Daksh acting like a gentleman.

"Daksh! You were the one who played cheap tricks on Anika. What did you do yesterday night!? Don't try to trap Anika in all this!" roared Shivaay.
"What will I do!? We had a party for your success Shivaay. That's it!" Daksh acted innocently.

That's when Anika couldn't tolerate anymore. She went towards Daksh and held his collar tightly.

"What do you think you are Mr.Daksh?! Girls are not toys to play however you like. We are also humans! Don't try to act innocent. You did misbehave with me. Not only yesterday, but even that night when I had to stay back to finish my work" saying she brought in the security guard.
"Bhaiyya please tell what kind of a character he is to everyone!" Anika requested the security guard.

The security guard remained silent as he was scared that he will lose his job. Daksh knew nothing was going to happen and he cannot be proved wrong.

"Fine! This is against my self respect and I know what I am. I needn't prove anyone!" saying Anika was about to leave from there when a few female employees approached her.
"Don't leave Anika. We are victims of this Daksh too." One of them said her head facing down.

Daksh was shocked and so were the other employees who accused Anika.
Each girl said what Daksh did with her. And the security guard joined too,"Madam ji, I'm very sorry! I was scared that I will lose my only way of living. Yes this sir has done disgusting things to women. I was there when he misbehaved with Anika madam that day in office."

"Your game is over Daksh. And this good mask of yours is removed too." Anika said smirking at him.
"You can't do anything to me. You are fired Anika. I will make sure you don't get job anywhere else and you starve to death" hollered Daksh but earned a slap very soon.
"Don't you dare talk with Anu like that!" A deep voice shouted at him.
"Vikram uncle!" Anika exclaimed in surprise.

Vikram hugged Anika heartfully shocking Daksh.
"Sir! She is falsely accusing me. I'm innocent." Daksh protested earning another slap from Vikram.
"I know how she is! You needn't give me a certificate of Anika!" Vikram said with much confidence.

A while later, the cops took away Daksh while Vikram spoke to the employees who supported Daksh,"How could you point out someone just by seeing something rubbish! This society just blames a girl even if she is not at mistake. Think before you do or say something."

Facing the girls who were victims of Daksh, he said "Anika, I'm really sorry for all this. And to all my employees who had gone through a lot because of Daksh. If I had known he was like this I would have terminated him long back"

He folded his hands apologizing when Anika held his hands saying,"Sir, his chapter has come to an end. And you needn't apologise for someone else. Thank you so much for everything you did!"
"We are really proud to have a friend like you Anika! And we are ashamed to see people like Daksh." ShivOmRu spoke in unison.

Anika was overwhelmed to get friends like them and a supporting person like Vikram. She was feeling the happiest reminiscing Chanda's words,"You will get a beautiful set of friends. Better than me! And a wonderful family who will treat you like a princess."


Days passed, Vikram stayed back in Mumbai for quite a while then. He just kept postponing his trip back to Delhi. Anika and Shivaay visited him often and gradually, he became very close to Omkara and Rudra also.

One afternoon when Shivaay and Anika visited Vikram, they were busy chitchatting that no one noticed a man entering the mansion.

"Vicky! How come you became so careless?" asked a man of his age.
"Prem!" exclaimed Vikram greeting him with a warm hug.
"Shivaay! How are you doing man!?" Prem asked surprising the other two in the hall.

"Fine Uncle!" Shivaay replied him with a bright smile.
"No need to be so surprised! I know him because he is my son's friend!" Prem said patting Shivaay.

After introducing Anika, Vikram excused himself as he gets a call.
Shivaay was talking while Prem was looking at Anika who was silent all the while.

"You resemble her!" Prem stated surprising Anika and Shivaay.


Precap ~

Truth to be revealed!
Anika has got a good set of friends but will it remain the same? The girl who never was given love, will she get it now?

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