Chapter 1

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Ever since the mystery man moved in, I've been keeping a close eye on him. I mean, he's a rather silent guy; even his footsteps are quiet. The guy just seems like he wants to be invisible. So why am I drawn to him? I want nothing more than to be his friend, to offer him a helping hand whenever he looks like he might need it, but something about him keeps me away. I think that's what draws me to him.
The day he moved in, I wanted to go to his apartment and welcome him to the building, but I didn't. Instead, I just... watched him. As I'm sure he did to me as well since he has that sort of personality. So I just sit and watch him. He has a routine: leave for work first thing in the morning, come back at 5, walk the dog two minutes later, gently scolding her because she used his bed as a bathroom again, then he returns after twenty minutes and locks himself in his apartment again. Sometimes I can hear the door open again in the middle of the night.
It's the routine and the mystery about this young man that I just can't seem to get out of my head. Every single day that passes, I just want to walk up to him and introduce myself, say "Hi, I'm Sarah. I just want you to know that if you ever need anything, I'm always just right next door, so if you ever want to talk, you can just come knock on my door." Who am I kidding though? It's not like he's going to knock on my door.
So I continue to watch him. And continue to wonder about him. Is he a good guy? Is he a bad guy? Why is he so mysterious?
Before I even know what I'm doing, I'm out the door and over at his apartment. I raise my hand to knock on the door when I hear a soft "excuse me" from behind me. I turn around and am met with green eyes and a hood framed face. At first, I forget why I am here. Why am I here?
"Excuse me?" He says again, his voice a soft deepness. "That's my apartment."
I stare. "Right. That is your apartment."
He continues to stare at me, his eyes slightly popping out of his head. I suddenly can't remember how to move my legs. What is my voice? Where did it go?
After an awkward silence, he again speaks. "Can I help you?"
I nervously chuckle. "My name is Sarah, I live right next door."
By the look on his face, I can tell that he doesn't really seem to care. He just wants to go to his own apartment. I don't blame him, I'm a stranger. He doesn't know me. But my legs still refuse to move!
"Can I ask you why you are in front of my apartment?" He asks. The dog by his feet starts to whimper.
"Well, uh, that's what I was about to ask myself. I'm actually unsure of why I'm in front of your apartment, my brain just told my legs to move, so they did." I chuckle nervously.
His lip twitches, almost like he wants to smile, but I can still see his reserved front on his face. I feel my cheeks flush and become so embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I'll leave." I turn to go into my apartment when I hear his voice again.
I turn back to him. "What?"
"My name. It's Elliot."
I smile. "Nice to meet you, Elliot."

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