Chapter 12

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I can hear her.
She's quietly singing to herself. I catch the tune and smile to myself as I put Flipper's leash on her collar.
She's singing "These Are The Days Of Our Lives" by Queen.
I wait for the chorus and hum along gently.
"Those are the days of our lives
The bad things in life were so few
Those days are all gone now, but
One thing is true
When I look and I find
I still love you."
Based on what I know from hacking her, I know that this song was one that her dad used to sing to her before she went to sleep.
She posted it on the anniversary of his death with the caption "I still love you".
March 10, 2005.
Knowing that she deals with stress and anxiety, I want to do something for her, but everything inside of me says not to.
So I walk Flipper and come back ten minutes later to hear her crying.
Did I do that to her?
Or is she just missing her father?
I feel guilty about something, but I'm not sure what it is. Did I hurt her? Did I scare her?
I go to my computer and find a video on YouTube: I find the song she was singing and start to play it.
While I can't be there to help her, I can at least bring her comfort this way.
I don't know what this feeling is inside of me, but I don't want to see her get hurt or be scared of me.

Mr. Robot FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora