Chapter 31

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     I follow him.
     He never asked me to follow him, but I'm worried about him.
     I see Darlene following him as well, but I don't mind. I meet up with her and we follow him together.
     She starts to explain that he asked her to follow him. I explained that I wanted to follow him because I'm worried about him. She agrees. We follow him. Then we lose him.
     "Sh-" Darlene starts to say, but when I spot him, I take off running. I'm not going to lose him.
     I follow close behind him, lurking in the shadows as I watch him. He's with a blond young woman, who I eventually recognize as Angela. I feel jealousy boil in my veins but remain calm. I only want to figure out where he is going or what he is doing. I follow him to a building, where he eventually meets up with Tyrell.
My blood runs cold.
That's the man who shot Elliot.
I hear them talk about some evil plan, one that involves Elliot messing something up. I don't understand what they're talking about. I don't know who or what they are talking about. But all I know is that I'm starting to get scared. Tyrell is looking at Elliot and I start to shake in fear. What if he shoots Elliot again? I hide behind a tower and am concerned for him. I knew I had to be brave, but seeing Tyrell scared me.
     I watch from the wings as something shady goes on outside of my comfort zone. I want to get him out of here, but I can't. If I do, Tyrell will see me and he might shoot Elliot again. So I just wait.
Tyrell starts screaming at Elliot. I take a shaky breath. I know I can be brave for him. I have to be brave. But it's so hard to be brave when you're terrified. Especially when it's a situation in which you desperately need to be brave.

     I notice I'm creeping slightly closer to this meeting of people and catch the very end of the conversation, but it's then that I notice that Elliot is starting to shake his head aggressively.

     What is going on with him?

     "Hello?" Angela asks him.

     "Where am I?" Elliot's voice asks weakly.

     I watch from behind as they give him a shot and I see him crumple. I hold back a scream and watch them carry him away.

A/N: Hey guys!

I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I think for the time being I'm going to call this book complete. I really need to rewatch the show and finally watch the last season before I continue. I've been so busy with other things (finishing my senior year of college, writing other fanfic, trying to catch up with reading, and trying to be a normal person) that I haven't had a lot of time to work on this one, and I apologize for that. You guys deserve a much longer chapter than this one that I'm posting right now, but I haven't had the heart to write on this fanfic for a while. I want to continue writing, but I'm going to spread my wings into other fanfics and things for the time being. Please check out my other fanfics here!! It would mean the world to me. I know some of my fanfic isn't exactly everyone's cup of tea, but at least try it! I would be extremely happy if you would check them out!

Until next time,


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