Chapter 5

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Sometimes at night, I can hear him.
Not that he makes a lot of noise, but I can hear him. He paces back and forth, and by the sound of his pacing, he sounds nervous.
One night, I had a really bad migraine and was in bed when I heard a noise coming from his apartment.
It sounded like crying.
I know I shouldn't meddle in Elliot's business, but ever since I met him, I just want to help him, but I'm not quite sure how to. I have social anxiety, so it's communicating with other people that sort of freaks me out.
Without thinking, I go to my computer, sign in, and type in his name: Elliot Alderson.
Before you ask how I know his last name, I should probably say that one time, before I slid it under his door, I accidentally got some of his mail. It wasn't anything exciting, but the mailman seriously needs to get his act together. Maybe we have a new mailman? I make a mental note to check on that later.
That also reminds me: I have to ask why I haven't been getting my mail lately.
When the page loads, I'm met with surprise. There's virtually nothing there. No medical records, no social media pages, nothing.
It's almost as if he doesn't want to be found.
If that were the case, why does he live right next door to me?
The only thing I can find on him is that he works at Allsafe. I file that under useless information I probably don't need to know about him but I know it anyway.
And because I'm that type of person, curious to see what he's like and see where he goes, I decided that night I'm going to follow him.
My entire being screams at me, leave this man alone! But yet, there's that small itch at the back of my brain that wants to know more. So I go to my closet and pull out my dark hoodie that almost matches Elliot's and pair it with my darkest jeans and my Converse. I take a shaky breath and wait for his door to close before I count to three and follow him.

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