"Chapter 19~Not Such An Imaginary Friend."

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After the death of John Winchester it was constantly one thing after the other. Taking down yellow eyes should've been the end of problems for the Winchesters but it seemed like once they fixed one problem another cropped up.

Ella from young age knew to embrace the chaos that came along with being a Winchester but  wished the periods of chaos would take a break every once and and while.

After losing her grandpa finding the yellowed eyed demon and killing him was top priority. She witnessed her Uncle become a different person because of his powers and him pass away only to be brought back.

That was of course in exchange for her father's soul. They kept her out of the loop as much as possible but Ella wasn't oblivious and an intelligent kid.

With Castiel making his appearance she knew months before when he miraculously returned.

Her imaginary friend Cassie wasn't as imaginary as they believed upon hearing her confession when Dean suspected Sam to have struck a deal.

It was a normal day for Bobby and Ella. Bobby was inside drinking his sorrows while Ella was outside kicking a can. When Bobby got a knock on the door he was surprised to see who it was.

"Dean?!" Bobby exclaimed

With all the things he'd hunted he didn't believe what he was asking was real. He immediately thought of every supernatural creature in the book but when saw Dean cut his arm with the silver knife he knew it was truly Dean.

Well after he splashed him with holy water.

"Sam's number not working he's not-

"He's alive for as I know," Bobby informed

"Good," Dean sighed in relief until he remembered the other part of his sentence.

"Wait, what did you mean as far as you know?" Dean asked

"I haven't talked to him in four months," Bobby voiced truthfully

"You're kidding you let him go off by himself?" Dean asked

"He was dead set on it," Bobby voiced as Bobby got up from his chair.

"Bobby, you should of been looking after him," Dean voiced causing Bobby to turn around.

"I tried, these months haven't been exactly easy you know for him or me, and in case both of you forgot there's a seven-year-old who has to deal the results of the choices you two idjits make," Bobby voiced

"Sam left Ella here?" Dean voiced surprised

"Yeah, remind me he owes me one for that one," Bobby voiced but Dean was confused.

"She hasn't been any sort of trouble but, you two have a lot of making up to do," Bobby voiced.

"Where is she?" Dean asked

Bobby told him where she normally would spend the day. Ella kicked the can hard hoping it would fly farther but, it didn't go too far.

Last night Castiel told her that he was able to save her Dad and she's been waiting all day to hopeful. The day was halfway over but, as she turned around to head back to Bobby's she couldn't believe who it was.

"Daddy!" Ella ran to her Dad like her life depended on it as he picked her after practical jumping in his arms.

"Geez, Ella when did you go and get so tall on me," Dean voiced but Ella had her head buried in his neck.

She eventually pulled away and it hurt Dean to see her crying. "Hey, I'm good," He voiced wiping her tears with his thumb.

"I missed you," Ella voiced

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