"Chapter 23~What a Father Would Do."

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Season 5 Episode 1: Lucifer Rising

It was the next morning after the battle for the final seal, Dean wasn't successful in stopping his brother from killing Lilith. With Lucifer freed the apocalypse was now fully in effect and it was only a matter of time before they once again had more problems to deal with.

They knew they needed to meet up with Castiel to plan their next move but after returning to Chuck's house they saw the house was in disarray with blood splattered on the walls and furniture.

As they investigated that's when Chuck came out and swung his plunger hitting Sam across the face.

"Geez, Ow!" Sam stumbled back

"Hey, Chuck," Dean added

"So, you're okay?" Chuck asked Sam

"Well, my head hurts," Sam voiced

"No, I-I mean my last vision, you went like full-on Vader, the temperature was 150, your heart rate was 200, your eyes were black," Chuck exclaimed at the end.

"Your eyes went black?" Dean questioned his brother

"I didn't know," Sam voiced sadly

Dean knew that his brother wished things turned out differently but, for now all that they could focus on was what was in front of them and go from there.

"Where's Ella and Cass?" Dean asked

"Ella she's asleep upstairs, Cass, he's dead, or gone, the archangel smoked the crap out of him," Chuck explained

"You sure, he didn't just vanish into the light or something?" Dean asked

"Oh no, he like exploded, like a water balloon of chunky soup," Chuck voiced

It seemed to be a recurring pattern of those who help out the Winchester usually end up dead. Dean couldn't help but feel responsible for having Cass risk his life for him and his brother.

Both Sam and Dean didn't know where to go from here and without Cass, it left them feeling hopeless. As the boys were bickering that's when Chuck could hear that the angels were coming and a few moments later there was Zacariach and other angels of less importance.

By now both the boys knew that none of the angels had any intentions of helping them stop Lucifer all they wanted was for the Winchesters to play their roles like this was some kind of sick play. Dean knew that the conversation was getting nowhere and had this plan in the back of his mind before the angels appeared.

The same blood sigil that was able to cast away the angels he used once again in the hope to buy them enough time to figure out what they needed to do next. Dean was pretty surprised that Ella could even sleep through all of it but, he was glad that no harm came to her.

Ella was still in her pajamas from the previous night and the last thing Dean wanted was for her to cut her foot on the glass. He made sure that there were no injuries on her as she somehow was still able to sleep through all that was going on.

After getting situated they needed to separate themselves from Chuck's place before the angels could locate them again. Few towns out they were able to make it to a motel while the three of them prepared for more visitors today. Sam was able to get the Winchesters protection from angels and demons which was a trick that he learned from Ruby that required a few ingredients.

By now Ella was wide awake and the last thing that was needed was for either of the boys to start arguing. Sam felt bad for all that happened and most importantly that he didn't trust his brother.

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