"Chapter 7~Skin."

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Sam, Dean, and Ella were at the gas station while Sam was outside pumping gas he was checking through emails that his friend from Stanford had sent him, and turns out that one of his friends is a suspect in a murder charge.

Ella had her head poked out the window as her Dad was pumping gas. She was making goofy faces as Dean and Sam were talking. Just as Dean went to put the pump back he made a funny face at his daughter causing her to laugh.

The silence between the two was then filled when Sam mention that a friend of his has been charged with murder.

"What kind of people are you hanging out with?" Dean asked

"No man, I know Zac, he's no killer," Sam says with confidence

"Well maybe you know Zac, as well as he knows you," Dean adds

"They're in St. Louis. We're going." Sam says as Dean looks at him shocked

"St. Louis is four hundred miles behind us Sam," Dean says

"Daddy! I want to go to St. Louis." Ella says excitedly bouncing in her seat.

Sam couldn't help but smile knowing that his brother didn't want to deal with the wrath of the five-year-old. The last thing that Dean wanted was to deal with two temper tantrums today.

He sighed before cranking the car up before making a u turn out of the gas station.


After hours of driving the boys and Ella make it his friend Becca's house. To Sam it almost felt just like old times being in Stanford. Ella was standing behind both her Dad and Uncle so Becca couldn't see the small child till they were in the house.

"Sam did you and Jess?" Becca asked

"Oh no-

"This one is actually mine," Dean voiced

Becca explained to both Sam and Dean about her brother and night that it happened. Apparantly, when Zac came home he found out that his girlfriend was tied to a chair and when he went to call the cops they arrested him.

Becca says that she was with Zac unitl midnight and the video that they were able to get from the street couldn't have been him unless he was at two places during the same time.

They went to investigate the house where Zac's girlfriend was attacked and the place had blood splattered on the wall.

The house was a mess and they looked for anything that stood out but, there wasn't much and they only thing that stood out was the dog next door who used to be the nicest dog but ever since that night it hasn't been the same.

Sam mentioned to Dean that sometimes dogs were able to spot out the supernatural. So whatever the dog saw it still must be freaked out about it. The last thing that the boys could do was look at the security cam footage that Becca was able to get her hands on.

As they drove back to her house Ella was fast asleep her arms wrapped around Dean as they tried to figure out what to do next. Despite Dean not thinking that this could even be a legitimate case, that all was for nothing.

The security cam footage was able to catch the reflection of Zac's eyes that lead them to believe what they were dealing with was a shapeshifter.

After learning this there wasn't anything else that the boys could do at the moment except unfortunately wait till the next morning.

Next day...
Sam woke up early the next morning to figure out what was really going on. Dean was still trying to drink his coffee in peace. Ella was still asleep in her car seat since neither of them wanted to leave her in the motel room.

They try not to unless absolutely necessary. As Sam and Dean were still working the case another victim appeared right down the street. After this Dean fully believed that it was their kind of case.

The problem was figuring out how the shapeshifter is escaping which is how that lead them to the sewers. They didn't have much time and while Ella was awake and Dean made sure that she had breakfast.

The doors were locked so that bought them a little time. Ella was enjoying her bagel when Castiel appeared.

"Hi Cassie!" Ella voiced

Despite not spending very much time with humans Castiel cared for Ella and would make sure that no harm came her way.

"Daddy and Uncle Sammy just left, I wish you could meet them," Ella says

"Maybe one day," Castiel voices

Castiel stayed with her longer than normally since he felt alarmed by the fact neither of the boys had returned at the sun had come down.

Castiel ended unlocking the doors to let Ella go to the bathroom and then the park. When he returned they still weren't as nightfall hit.

"Cassie? Where's Daddy and Uncle Moose?" Ella asked

"I'm not sure," Castiel voice but soon heard the doors unlock seeing Sam.

"Sorry, Ella, are you alright?" Sam asked picking her up. Dean was opening the trunk when Sam noticed something off.

Previously in the sewers Dean had hurt his left arm and for him to open the trunk without pain alarmed Sam.

Ella looked between the two as she began to become scared of her Dad. Sam set her down pushing her behind him right before Dean swung knocking his brother out.

"You're not Daddy," Ella voiced as tears streamed down her face.

Ella couldn't have been more right especially when "Dean" roughly pulled her arm spraining it. Ella bit down on the hand hold her as the shifter yelped giving Ella the chance to run away.

Ella ran back to the car and hide which would seem like a dead give away if Castiel wasn't watching over her. Tears streamed down her face as all she wanted now was her real Daddy or Uncle Moose.

Castiel stayed the entire night protecting her even when she fell asleep after crying so much. It wasn't until the next morning that Sam and Dean were able to kill the shapeshifter and things could somewhat go back to normal.

Well at least for St. Louis, for the Winchester brothers the relationship between Dean and Ella were strained. She couldn't even look her Dad without crying. Sam ultimately had to take Ella to the hospital to get her wrist checked out while Dean waited in the car mainly because he's suppose to be dead after all that went down with his shapeshifter.

Ella clinged to her Uncle and refused to let go not even for her Dad. Dean couldn't help but feel heartbroken that his own daughter doesn't want anything to do with him but, Sam tried to reassure him that this was only temporary.

All Dean could hope for was that his brother was right about all of this.

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