"Chapter 8~Daddy's Girl."

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After dealing with the shapeshifter it's been difficult for the Winchesters to handle Ella. She's been having nightmares and she won't even let Dean hold her. Anytime that Dean tries to hold her she pushes him away and runs to her Uncle. They both were worried and wish that they could do something to make her feel better.

The Winchester had made a pit stop to get some breakfast. They were concerned more than ever about their Dad because they haven't gotten any encrypted messages in weeks.

Ella was eating a bagel while her Dad was looking at a potential case while Sam was on the phone trying to track down their father. Dean was still upset about what went down with the shapeshifter and the last thing that he wanted was for his own daughter to be afraid of him.

Once Sam got back he couldn't help but, be annoyed that his father wouldn't just tell them where he was or if he was even okay. He knew that no matter what that Dean would stick up for their Dad no matter was.

Granted Dean has always had that relationship with their father and Sam was the complete opposite, if anything they'd butt heads more often than agree on something.

"Sam I'm telling you I don't think that Dad wants to be found," Dean says

"Check this out," Dean says moving his brothers computer to look at the article.

"News item out of Plains Courier, Ankeny, Iowa. It's only about a hundred miles from here," Dean says

"Mutilated boy was found near the victim's car, parked on Nine Mile Road," Sam reads out loud

"Keep reading," Dean says taking a sip of his coffee

"Authorities are unable to provide a realistic description of the killer, the sole eyewitness whose name has been withheld, is quoted as saying the attacker was invisible," Sam finishes

"Could be something interesting," Dean says

"Or it could be nothing," Sam says

"One freaked out witness who didn't see anything doesn't mean it's the invisible man." Sam says

"But, what if it is? Dad would check it out," Dean says

Despite not thinking that there father was actually there Sam didn't want to take a chance. So the next stop the boy were going to make was Ankeny, Iowa. As the boys walked back to the car Ella didn't want to be in the car seat and wanted to be with her Dad.

It's been a couple of days since even trying to be this close to him but, she pushed past her fear and pulled on her Dad's leather jacket.

Dean stopped his conversation with his brother as he kneeled down to his daughter's height. Ella was still nervous but, only wrapped her arms around her Dad as Dean hugged her back.

Dean loved his kid more than anything and to be able to have her back to her somewhat normal self-made his day even if that meant his brother driving his Baby.

Ella rested her head on her Dad's shoulder for the whole four-hour drive. Dean placed a kiss on his daughter's head happy to just be able to hold her.

Sam couldn't help but smile happy to see that his brother was happy. Once they parked next to a fraternity house both of the boy got out and started getting more details about what happened.

The best way to do that was to try and blend in as much as possible. Granted that was difficult with a five-year-old child but, the last thing that the boys wanted to do was leave her in the car.

They were able to find out that the girl, Lori Sorensen, who was with the first victim, (Rick) and was a very popular person around campus not only because of her looks according to the other college student but, that fact that she was the reverend's daughter.

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