"Chapter 15 ~Sleepover?"

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S1 Episode 13: Route 666

"Eleanor Nicole Winchester put that down!"


Dean was having a rather difficult time while Sam went to go get food, Ella grabbed a knife off of Dean's duffel bag and was running around the room. Dean hated having to discipline his kid but, the last thing he wants is for her to get hurt.

Dean grabbed the knife away from her and picked her up and set her in a chair facing away from him. Ella crossed her arms over her chest and huffed once he set her on the chair.

All Dean could think about was wishing his brother would hurry up. A few moments later Sam walked in to see Dean and Ella.

"Uncle Sammy!" Ella voiced getting out of her chair.

"Ella, you are in timeout, we don't run around with knives," Dean voiced grabbing his daughter.

"No Daddy I don't wanna," Ella pouted

Ella wanted to hang out with her Uncle but didn't like that her Dad to be mad at her.

"You also don't tell me no," Dean voiced

"I'm sorry," Ella voiced starting to get teary-eyed.

"Bean, you know that I'm not mad, I don't want you to get hurt," Dean voiced

Ella nodded as she faced the window while her Dad and Uncle worked on the case. She held her knees close to her chest wishing she could be next to her Dad and Uncle.

After about another five minutes Dean went over to her as she hugged him. "I'm sorry Daddy," This is why Dean couldn't stay mad at the kid because that's the effect that she had on him.

The case that Dean and Sam were working on involved an old friend of Dean's named Cassie. She knew about the supernatural and Sam could tell that Dean loved her even though he didn't want to admit that.

Ella was walking around with her stuffed tiger and it's funny how she will hardly go anywhere without it. I mean the boys had to persuade her not to take it into the bath with her.

Dean and Sam had to go back and forth to work the case and when Sam came back and Dean didn't he knew that he was staying with Cassie for the night but, how do you explain that to a five-year-old.

You don't.

"So, Daddy is having a sleepover? How come we can't come?" Ella asked looking at her Uncle confused.

"Uh, they're working things out for the case," Sam voiced

"Can we watch Finding Nemo tonight?" Ella asked as Sam was glad the subject could be changed.

"Sure, princess," Sam said as Ella laughed at the new nickname.

Sam grabbed the CD from his bag and placed it in his computer. Ella was sitting on his lap with her tiger as she leaned back on her Uncle's chest.

Sam couldn't count how many times he had watched the movie with her but, he enjoyed every second as she got excited to see Nemo.

He enjoyed getting to spend time with his niece it made things almost normal as if he was at Stanford.

After about halfway through the movie he noticed that Ella was fast asleep. Sam chuckled to himself as he didn't have the heart move her and risk waking her up.

Eventually, Sam ended up falling asleep as well. One thing that is for sure Ella is going to have a hard time when boys come around with Her Dad, Uncle and I'm sure even Cass.

It was the next morning and Sam heard that there was another victim. Sam had to get Ella in warm clothes because it was freezing and didn't want her to get sick.

Ella was still confused about where her Dad was but, was surprised to see white flakes falling. "Uncle Sammy, what're the white flakes?" Ella asked

"It's snow," Sam explains as she was in awe of it.

Sam made sure she was within the eyeshot as he talked to the police about what happened. Dean met up with them and Sam filled him in on how the mysterious black truck that had been killing people just killed the mayor.

Ella scooped up the snow in her hands and threw it up and giggled. She looked up and saw that her Dad had made it back.

"Daddy! I played with snow!" Ella voiced happily

"That's cool bean, did you have fun?" Dean asked Ella picking her up.

"I did! Did you have fun at your sleepover?" Ella asked as Dean looks over at his brother.

"Uh, yeah I did, bean," Dean voiced

"When I get older can I have a sleepover?" Ella asked

Dean wasn't even sure how to respond, "We'll think about it," Dean voiced

Sam was about to head to the library while Dean went to go meet Cassie. Ella wanted to stay with Dean but, after some persuasion, she went with her Uncle.

After being stuck in the library Ella was thrilled to get outside as she skipped around while Sam was on the phone with Dean.

"Ella, stay close," Sam called as he had to stop mid-sentence as Ella turned around and skipped back to her Uncle.

Once finished with the research for the day Sam and Dean were back in the motel and Ella wanted to watch a movie but, that was cut short when Dean got a call from Cassie saying that she saw the same black truck.

Ella was sad that her Dad and Uncle left her so she decided to wait till they got back to watch the movie except she didn't know that they would be out leading up to the morning.

"Ella? What's wrong?" Castiel appeared

"Daddy and Uncle Sammy were supposed to watch Finding Nemo tonight," Ella voiced

"I can watch it with you," Castiel offered

Luckily the video was already on the TV so all Ella had to do was press play. Just like with her Uncle she ended up falling asleep almost halfway through the movie and Castiel wasn't sure if he should have left or if he should have stayed.

He was growing more concerned about Ella as time passed because the demon was getting closer and closer and he couldn't let the demon get his hand on her. Those were his orders to protect her at all costs.

Once the boys returned Castiel was gone with a flap of wings. It was early in the morning and the boys haven't had a moment to sleep since they needed to head out to the next town.

Dean grabbed Ella while Sam packed her belongings along with his own as they packed the car for the long road ahead of them. Ella shifted in her sleep as she laid her head on Dean's shoulder as she started to fuss and Dean immediately motioned to his brother for Ella's tiger.

Once the tiger was in her hands she settled down and was back to sleep. Dean set her in the car seat as the boys drove to meet up with Cassie for one more time.

Sam was glad to see his brother was able to open up to someone while he was in college he couldn't help but worried that his brother when all this was over wouldn't find any peace except when hunting.

One thing that was for sure was that Winchester's work was never done.

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