"Chapter 18~Family Business."

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S1 Episode 22: Devil's Trap
S2 Episode 1: In My Time of Dying

After reuniting with her Dad, Uncle and Grandpa, Ella was still pretty shaken up from running from Meg but, also confronting the yellow-eyed demon.

She hardly said anything to the boys and constantly wanted to be near her Dad. The last thing the boys wanted to was to have a repeat of the last time that Ella got captured.

Meg had threatened earlier that the boys need to give up the gun, also known as the Colt or that she would kill every person that they had come in contact with. If that wasn't enough Sam's premontions were only becoming stronger as days past as their was a family that was in danger.

The demon that had been with Ella was seen in his premonition so John had to split up with his sons in order to put an end to all of this. If only that was the case.

What John had not anticipated was for the demon to be there and while Sam and Dean had there only problems to deal with, rescuing the family that Sam had a premonition about.

There Dad was once again missing but this time Meg and the demon had him. They needed help and weren't going to be able to find their Dad and stop the demon. They drove through the night until the pulled up to what looked like a junkyard.

Dean got Ella out of her carseat and like most of the time but espescially now wanted to be carried. It worried the boys that she's hardly talked since being back and Dean couldn't help but feel as if he failed her. He was suppose to protect her from the monsters and he couldn't do that.

Sam knocked on the door as they didn't have to wait long till they would call their father figure, Bobby Singer, when there Dad wasn't there he was.

"Ella, this is Bobby," Dean introduced but, Ella was quick to bury her face in Dean's neck.

Dean expected this he just wasn't sure what he was going to do. Ella didn't talk when he brought it up and it didn't help because it made him think of the worst.

Bobby was able to lend the boys a hand also some helpful insight on how much had really been going on over the past couple of months all of them revolving around more and more demon possessions.

Just as the boys were finishing up talking to Bobby a whimper from Bobby's dog directed them to the window, as they could only see the leash on the ground with spots of blood on it. Within seconds the door came busting in as Meg came into the house.  Dean quickly put Ella underneath the table where is brother was sitting.

Luckily, Bobby and his brother were in front of him as Meg continued to threaten them about handing them over the Colt after John giving her the fake gun the other day.  Ella covered her ears at the noise of what was her Dad and Uncle being flown across the room.

But what Meg didn't know is that Bobby always comes prepared as there was a Devil's Trap right above her head on the celing. While Sam and Bobby dealt with Meg, Dean needed to make sure that Ella was okay.

"Hey, hey it's okay," Dean said trying to get his daughter to look at him.

He wiped her tears as he picked her up and headed outside. These were the days that were the hardest to have his daughter around. Despite it all he wouldn't change that for the world.  "Hey, you see, I'm okay," Dean voiced setting his daughter down.

He wiped her tears as he tried his best to comfort her.

"You've got to talk to me bean, so I can help," Dean voiced pushing a piece of hair out of her face.

"The demon h-he kept asking about m-my powers and he w-would g-get m-mad i-if I-I didn't but, I don't know what he's talking about, and his eyes would turn yellow when he was really mad," Ella tried to explain through crying.

The Winchester's Miracle~ (Book 1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora