"Chapter 25~ Angel Trouble."

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Ella's POV
Uh, don't know what's going on right now I'm currently watching my Dad and Uncle Sammy on the TV. I was at the motel but, Uncle Cassie's friend Gabriel wanted to show me something cool.

Oh I call Cassie Uncle because I heard my Dad say he was brother to him so that makes him my Uncle now.

But, I just call  Gabriel, Gabe though it easier to say. Anyway he got me this candy which is really good. "Pretty cool huh?" He popped in

"Yeah!" I voiced talking a bite out of my chocolate bar.

Uncle Sammy doesn't like me eating a bunch of candy because it isn't good for me but, it taste fine to me.

"They won't get hurt will they?" I asked

"Oh no nothing too bad," Gabe said

I was kind of confused but, occupied in the candy.

"So, what's Cassie got you up to?" He asked

"I don't know, nothing," I answered

"Really, the huge apocalyptic fight going on and he's got you doing nothing?" Gabe asked

"Huh?" I asked confused

I wasn't sure what he was talking about and known of it made sense.

"Gabriel," I looked over and it was Uncle Cassie

"Hi Uncle Cassie," I waved while chewing on a piece of candy.

"Why is she here?" Uncle Cassie snapped at Gabe.

"Oh you're one to act all high and mighty brother, she's a ticking time bomb and you and I both know it," Gabe voiced

I looked between the both of them confused. "She's not a weapon the angels can just use at will, I won't allow it," Uncle Cassie voiced

"World is ending Castiel and there's nothing the three of you can do about it," Gabe said

"So, the whole morality act why don't we drop it," Gabe said

"The angels always get what they want one way or another," Gabe said

"She's not part of the angels plan Gabriel and last time I checked you didn't care what they angels decided," Uncle Cassie voiced

Gabe flew Uncle Cassie across the room which startled me. I never liked hearing fighting because it made me really anxious.

I closed my eyes and tried to block out the noise. "Stop fighting!" The room got really bright and when I could see again I was well I actually don't know.

"Ella Winchester," I turned around and there was a bald guy in a suit.

"Pleasure to meet you," he offered hand for me to shake.

I backed up because he was kind of weird. "Name's Zachariah," He said

"Got to say you're definitely a tricky one to find," He said

"Of course have to give credit to Castiel for that," He said

Two other angels started walking towards me which once again made me scared. I don't know why but, when I get really scared I can't control anything.

I ran out of the room and down the corridor but it was like an endless hallway. I turned the corner but it was a dead end.

They started coming closer as I back into the wall. I heard a flap of wings like Uncle Cassie but, he was no where to be found.

Did I teleport?

But how? Who were those angels anyway?

"Ella!" I turned around and it was Uncle Cassie.

"You scared me," Uncle Cassie said concerned

"I got scared and then I met Zach-uh-riah," I tried to pronounce

"I'm glad you're okay," Uncle Cassie

I guess we weren't far since all we started walking. "Why do the angels want me so bad?" I asked

"Angels have their motives and what I once thought was good turned out not to be," Uncle Cassie voiced

I was still confused but, that's when I noticed Dad and Uncle Sammy leaning on the Impala. "I saw you guys on TV," I said as my Dad and Uncle Sam made a face towards each other.

The three of them were talking and that's when my stomach started hurting.

"Why are you making that face?" Dad asked

"He gave you candy didn't he?" Uncle Sammy asked

I gave him a small smile, he knows candy is my favorite. Besides I get from my Dad he can eat so much candy especially on Halloween.

So, yes I might be banned from getting anymore candy for a while because then Uncle Sammy has to give me some nasty pink medicine.

Dad would do it but, he almost got sick the last time I got sick so Uncle Sammy had to do it.

Daddy was laying on the bed and with all this energy I had to jump on him.

"Oof okay this is why we don't do candy," Dad voiced as I laughed

"Wanna help out here?" Daddy asked Uncle Sammy

"Nah, I think you've got it," Uncle Sammy says with a smirk.

Daddy spent the next twenty something minutes trying to get me to settle down which only ended up in him tickling me when he finally caught me.

I ran over to Uncle Sammy which was a mistake because he started tickling me too. After a while I did start to get sleepy but, I wanted to stay up and finish watching Scooby Doo.

But before I knew my eyes became too heavy as I fell asleep right on my Dad.

Third Person's POV
Ella was fast, and after everything today Dean was asleep right next to her. Sam couldn't help but smile at the two of them.

Things were difficult and having a kid around has proved to be challenging but, both Sam and Dean have made it work.

That's what's you do for family you make it work because you do anything for them.

To be continued...

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