"Chapter 22~Secrets"

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Third Person's POV

As time passed and the boys tried to come up with ways to prevent the apocalypse from happening it became more and more difficult for Dean and Sam to be able Ella safe on the hunts. On this particular hunt, they couldn't bring her with them. The hunt was preventing one of the seals from being broken and at this point, almost half of them have been broken.

Ella stayed with Bobby and through much work, the boys were able to get her into a regular school. It's no lie that it has become more and more challenging for the boys to not argue in front of Ella. With Sam still deciding to use his powers and Dean accepting that his brother isn't going to listen the relationship between them became very strained.

Ella could tell that her Dad and Uncle were starting to not get along as much as they used to and this made her concerned. She didn't understand the seriousness of what was going on and neither the boys nor Bobby wanted her to.

For once, they wanted her to be a kid and not have to worry about all the monsters and the hunting that was going on.  Bobby usually would drop Ella off at school which of course he didn't mind it gave him a break from dealing with the apocalypse.

Now, one thing about Ella was that she was a very smart girl and way above her grade level.  Usually, at the age of seven, you are in second grade but, Ella was in the fourth grade.

She didn't realize that she was two grades higher than everyone else all she noticed was that the kids around her were a lot older.  Like usually Ella was pretty shy but then she noticed one girl who was sitting by herself.

For Ella, it was a lot to go over and say hi to somebody she didn't know. 

"Hi," Ella waved at the girl as she waved back to Ella with a smile.

Ella sat next to her on the bench as she smiled, "I'm Ella," She said

"Claire," She introduced

She had long blonde hair and green eyes. Unbeknownst to Ella,  Claire was Castiel's vessel Jimmy Novak's daughter. Claire was now living with her grandmother after her mother left to go find her husband who she couldn't realize wasn't returning.

"How old are you?" Claire asked surprised to see the young child in the fourth grade.

"I'm seven," Ella answered

Claire was surprised but, didn't put anything past Ella knowing that there were some pretty smart kids out there. Claire liked Ella she seemed pretty cool for a seven-year-old.

After that encounter, Ella pretty much stuck like glue to Claire and Claire didn't mind. Ella was like a little sister that she never had and with all the craziness going on it was nice to see something positive in her life.

She was glad that she was able to stay at the school and not have to go back and forth between staying with her Dad and Uncle mainly because she couldn't spend as much time with as she uses to when they worked cases.

Ella enjoyed school not only because she was able to see Claire but, she did enjoy learning new things, unlike her father. It's interesting to the boys how Ella could be so much like Dean one day than Sam the next. 

It was one day at school when Ella got dropped off and she was surprised that Claire wasn't there. Ella was pretty bummed but, she only hoped that she would be there the next day but, unfortunately, weeks passed and Claire never returned to school.

Ella missed Claire and was pretty upset for a while and usually, Dean and Sam would be able to notice this but, they were too caught up in their own problems to notice.

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