"Chapter 38~Mother Dearest."

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Ella's POV
I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I had to be dead. My mom couldn't have survived that fire, it's not possible. I was clutching my arm that had been deeply cut by the wolf dog thing.

"I'd expect you to be farther along then this," Mom voiced

I was speechless.

She kneeled down and guided my hand over my wound.

"I want you to heal yourself," She said

"Mom can you worry about that later, I thought you were dead?!" I exclaimed

"If you read the note everything would've been clear," She voiced disappointed

"The note when I was five?!" I snapped

"You were meant to grow into your powers from experiencing the world for how it is not running amok with your father of all people," She sneered

Huh? Nothing is making sense?

"Now, I want you to use your powers and heal," She voiced

"I-I don't know how," I voiced

"Then you can stay here an bleed out for all I care," She voiced

"Completely useless," She snapped walking away

I sat there shocked and most of all hurt. Why was she treating me like this? Why did she kidnap me?

"You try and escape again and the Hellhound will be the least of your worries," I heard her say.

Now I was terrified.

I couldn't tell you how much time had passed but the amount of blood loss was alarming. I couldn't focus enough to heal with all these thoughts.

But, if I'm to get out of here then I'll need to use my powers to get out.

"Come on," I voiced softly and with that a small light emitted from my hand as the wound was healed for the most part.

The place was hardly lit and fact that a Hellhound was blocking my way out made me feel as if I wasn't ever getting out.

This place was warded all over so the chances of Cass finding me were slim to none. Did my Dad and Uncle even make it back from the trials?

I hope so...

I was tired and most of all hungry. How long have I been here? A couples of days? Maybe longer.

How did my mom survive the fire? Why did she wait till now to get me? If she doesn't care about me bleeding out then why would she care at all about my powers.

Nearly blinding me there were daggers that flew at me cutting my skin on all sides.

I held back a scream as I tried not to focus on the pain. I was knocked off my feet falling forward into another room.

It hurt to get up but I was able to see my mom before she slammed the door behind her.

Why does she hate me? What have I done wrong? The room was freezing and not to mention I haven't eaten or had anything to drink.

I was likely to die in this room.

I hope my Dad and Uncles are okay.

Ella had no sense of time being trapped in that room. It was more like a prison cell. A small bed and a toilet and a sink. Unless necessary Ella preferred to stay as far away as possible.

The ground felt better than the bed infested with who knows what.

Ella had been in the room believe it or not a month. The only thing keeping her alive is her powers. She was part angel and angels don't need the same things that humans do.

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