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Hayley stretched her aching body, waking up against Michael. He was warm - burning up - while Hayley was cold against him. Alongside a pounding headache, a thousand thoughts had been running in her mind through the night.

It took a while before she realised they'd fallen asleep in Luke's bathroom.

Her back was killing her. The bright light was killing her.

She was still wearing her outfit from the night before. Her things were all across the room – one shoe at the door and one at the sink, while her purse was thrown on the floor with things falling out. Hayley pushed herself into a sitting position, but it was hard when two tall people were trapped in a bathtub. Michael didn't move one inch. He was sighing softly in his sleep.

Not wanting to wake the sleeping boy, Hayley managed to sit herself down on the floor and put her shoes back on.

While she did sort of want to talk to Michael, she didn't want to wake him up. He'd probably be in a shitty mood anyway, being hungover. Hayley didn't feel like dealing with that – not with a headache pounding holes in her head.

She still had to puzzle the pieces of last night together. Hayley knew she had been talking to Calum. With hair brushed forward, the shiny strands of dark hair falling into his eyes made him look a bit older - less like a lost puppy. His plums lips were still as kissable in the dream, and quivering in that sad way only his could. He was chewing the bottom one lightly, as if to keep it still.

The picture in her head was far too vivid to be a dream.

She'd cried – she'd noticed by the streaks of makeup on her face. Maybe because he was accusing her of sleeping with Michael – something that had never happened.

At least Calum had got what he wanted. He'd lost his virginity.

"Where are you going?" Michael murmured from behind her. He sat up, a yawn forming on his lips. He looked so tired, a purple shade tracing the skin under his eyes.

"I need to go home and sleep off my headache."

"You were talking in your sleep."

Hayley froze. "What'd I say?" She felt exposed and vulnerable, not knowing what he had heard her say. The pictures from her dream, still clear in her mind, gave her an idea of who it might have been about.

"Things about Calum." He ran a hand over his face.

"I've decided not to like him anymore." The way heat rose to her cold cheeks made it feel like a lie.

"Then why were you crying about him last night, telling me to run off to Narnia with you?"

"I don't know." She did have a vague memory of that happening. Wanting to run away had always been an option. A great escape. Narnia, however, might not have been the best choice. "I think I told him we're together."

"You what?"

"I just wanted to make him jealous." For a second, Hayley thought she was going to cry again, but held it back. "He's with her now, anyway. What does it matter?"

"I know," Michael said, a sad look in his eyes as they fell to the floor. "I've been trying to keep your mind off him."

So that's why he'd been dragging her out to things, wanting her to come along as he got his piercings and dyed his hair. Michael had even offered her cuddles and watched music videos he hated – to make her feel better. He'd wanted to keep her busy, and she'd been too blind to see it. Hayley's heart ticked away as she thought about it. Michael had been a great friend, while she had probably been a terrible one.

"It's not working." Hayley realised how rude she sounded when it was too late – the words had already come flying out of her mouth.

"I know."

Some time had gone since their kiss, and it seemed a silent but mutual agreement it wouldn't be repeated. Resting her head against his shoulder or holding his hand was comforting enough. They were similar in that way, Hayley thought. They both demanded the warmth of another person. It was a friendship built on a need for physical contact. It didn't take long until he was there, providing her with body heat and comfort. His fingers played with hers; making it easier for Hayley to say the things she wanted to say.

"I used to fall in love too fast, you know. I always needed someone to take my loneliness away," Hayley admitted more to herself than to the boy, drawing lines over her fingers and circles in the palm of her hand. "So I'd pretend it was love. It never really was, you know?"

Michael didn't move. He barely even breathed – the silence was fatal. Was it that her confession, similar to his own, had made him freeze? Finally, he moved his lips to say something. A deep sigh came out, as if he'd been holding his breath. "I know."

That's what Hayley thought was so particular about Michael. She knew he knew. It was sort of their thing, communicating without needing to say much. Just by looking at each other, they both kind of knew.

"There's something I should tell you," Michael said, perhaps feeling like he should share something as well.

"What is it?"

He spent a moment breathing, thinking, and staring at the wall. Then, his mouth opened, only to snap shut again the next second. "Actually... it's not that important."



what is mikey and hayley? mayley? ha ha ha...

mikey feels running crazy not gonna lie CAN WE ALL APPRECIATE THE PIC OR?

very sorry about not posting in like a week

i'll make it up by posting another one tonight


thin walls / calum hoodTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang