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We all ran to where the voices we coming from- we all stood much too anxious as the dogs barked at one particular door, which was locked.

The owner of the building ran a key to the police officer- who immediately unlocked the door- revealing a sobbing Allie in a janitors closet.

The officer immediately picked her up- handing her straight to Christina, who held her tightly into her chest before setting her down, kneeling with her .

"Allie- what happened?" She questioned slowly- holding her head and arm at the same time.

I squatted with them, keeping my hand on them both.

"I went to find you after you left- and I went in there and the man shut the door and it wouldn't open" she sobbed out- gasping for air throughout the sentence.

As Christina held the sobbing Allie into her chest, the police questioned the janitor and basically, he never saw Allie even enter the closet- it was all a simple mistake that could've went so fucking bad.

"You never go anywhere alone, do you hear me?" Christina spoke, her voice shaking as she stared into Allie's eyes.

"There are bad bad people in the world and they'd do anything to hurt you, so you always have to stay with me, Calum, Luke, Ashton or Michael, okay? We're the ones that will always keep you safe."

Allie nodded.

"Repeat it to me Christina, say that you won't ever leave without one of us again."

"I won't ever leave without you" she cried out, making Christina immediately pull her into another hug, the stress visibly leaving her body.

Christina soon handed Allie to Luke- who also spoke quietly about how dangerous it was as I pulled Christina into a hug, where she immediately started crying.

"I thought I lost her" she sobbed into my shoulder.

"You didn't, princess" I reminded her.

"I don't ever want to live a life without her Cal" she cried into me, squeezing me tighter than ever.

I kissed her head gently.

"You won't ever live a life without her, baby"

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