Chapter One

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The night was stormy. The air thin, and as cold as the deadly fingers of death. Snow littered the land below the grey sky, although, such weather did not stop the war waging below. Blood tainted the pureness of the snow, bodies lain thrown about while others, man and beast alike, fought with ferocity, unyielding in their carnal desires. It did not matter that the air was cold and crisp, nor that the sky rained down upon them a blizzard that seemed to have no end in sight, they still fought; men against women, women against men, beast against human. Nothing seemed to deter them from their mission of slicing flesh, and falling enemies.

It did not deter the armored man who allowed his sword to pierce the flesh of the beastly barbarian, who immediately dropped his sword and fell to the bloodstained snow. Nor did it stop the beast who ripped a human woman to shreds, throwing her pieces to the side. This ghastly battle did not seem to have an end in sight, neither side with their bloodlust quenched. Days turned into nights, and nights into days, until the only ones standing were a small group of people, humans and a few beastly creatures who aligned themselves with them.

The blizzard had stopped, allowing sunshine to float through the canopy of trees, illuminating the ground below in an almost...blinding way. A human man pressed his foot into the side of a fallen warrior with a look of a disgust on his face, his eyes dark as he turned to the humanoid dragon that stood not to far behind him. "Are you sure we have killed them all? I recall their forces being much larger than this."

The dragon shifted his golden gaze away from the bodies that littered the ground, a frown on his thin, pale lips. "I believe we disposed of them all. These barbarians always bring the entirety of their forces into battle. I doubt that they left anyone behind."

They jumped at the sound of rustling leaves, and immediately pressed their hands against the hilts of their long swords. With precaution, they made their way onward, silently brushing aside the branches until they came about a clearing. What they saw then, made them look at one another questionably, before their eyes met with the small child-like creature that sat next to a small pond, paying no attention to his newfound visitors. He seemed only a toddler, no more than three years old, and yet...somehow, the human man knew that this creature, was an abomination. The same could be said for the dragon, who could smell the boy's tainted blood, even from where he stood. This boy, this creature was a half-breed, and half-breeds were abominations to the pure blooded folk. Judging by the horns that curled out from the sides of his head, he was half dragon. However, the other side was very much unknown.

"Should we kill it?" The dragon asked, keeping his voice low as to not scare the thing away.

The human man shook his head. "No. King Alton is in need of a new slave. I say this is the perfect opportunity to give him one."

"But, he is so young. What use would King Alton need of him?"

The human glanced over to the other being with dark eyes, scratching at the thick beard that covered his jaw. "I do not know, and do not care. That creature is an abomination, and should either be killed right here and right now, or enslaved like the rest of the half-breed kind." 

"Very well." And with that, the dragon made his way over to the half-breed, starting the little thing with his presence. Before the thing could run, however, the dragon immediately seized him and tied him up with rope, despite the cries being emitted from the small one.

Fearful red eyes stared up at his captors, his tiny form shaking as his life immediately changed.
King Alton was a cruel man, with vicious intentions. Even after he received the gift the human and dragon men had brought him, he merely threw up his hand in dismissal, his eyes on the small child before him. "What is it?"

"I can smell dragon blood within him, however, he is not a pureblood." The dragon answered, his powerful stance still lowered to the ground before His Highness.

King Alton merely raised a brow, leaning forward in his giant throne. "A half-dragon, you say? Has he transformed yet?"

The dragon shook his head, golden eyes raising to the powerful man before him. "Even a pure blooded dragon cannot shift until he or she is of age. This one is merely a babe, barely old enough to speak." As those dark pools of liquid gold averted towards the child, the small thing whimpered, with tears streaming from those ruby orbs.

King Alton waved his large hand, enticing a small half-fae slave to rush up to his feet, her head bowed. "Have Bard bring me a collar, and have him show this abomination to it's room."
"Yes, your highness." The haf-fae whimpered, before rushing off.

Once the child was collared, his life changed for the worse. He was beaten whenever he did not carry out certain orders, and whipped him when he disobeyed the king. Years passed, and the child became closed off and unlike the pureblood children that would run around the castle, laughing, and playing; something that was forbidden to the half-dragon. He could only stare and wish that he was as free as they, without being forced to work when all he wanted was to play.
He even tried to play with the other children once, only to be mocked and kicked around as if he meant nothing to them. As if he were not an innocent child, but a stone to be kicked into icy waters. It hurt the child to know that he was only an object to them, so never again did he try to join their games and laughter.

He began doing as he was told, never disobeying orders, and listening to whatever his betters told him. Obeying was better than being whipped and beaten, after all. It was when he was at the age of seven, did his whole entire world come crashing down. He never did notice the stares the King threw his way, nor the dark pool of lust wandering in those dark eyes. He did not even question it when the King called for the small thing in his chambers, ruby eyes lowered in respect as he entered the immaculate room. Instead, he merely marveled at the pristine condition, with wondrously expensive furnitures and objects. 

"Come, Davian."

Ruby eyes lifted briefly enough so that he could see that the king resided on his large bed. He immediately lowered his eyes and made his way over to the older man, hands placed behind his back as he waited to be ordered around. But, he was not expecting the cruel man to completely rip away what little innocence he had left when he had his way with the young half-dragon.
Never again did the child have any sort of innocence in those ruby eyes of his. Never again did he think as a child, but as someone much more mature than his age. Never again did such curiosities rise, when met by things he did not yet understand. Instead, he was left feeling hollow, and used. 

The King used him at his will, even when the boy turned into a teenager, then to a young man. Nor did the older half-dragon feel any different as the day his childhood was torn away from him. He still loathed the King and his son, who had also grown into a young man. He still dreamt of slashing their throats while they slept and watched the blood drench their skin. He still wanted everyone to die, for the stupid rule of enslaving those who could not help what blood flows through their veins. They were all monsters. All of them. And he would see too it that he ended their lives for the pain they caused to him. To all half-breeds who were unfortunate enough to be enslaved.

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