Chapter Nineteen

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I couldn't really fall asleep that night, not with how my mind was running. I just kept on thinking about how a prince was in love with me; a mere slave. How could that have happened? What was it about me that had Cayden fall for me? Was it my pretty looks? My boring attitude? What?
I let out a breath of air, my body comfortably pressed up against Cayden's, the other man snoring slightly as he held me in his arms. He looked so different when he was sleeping. His brow wasn't furrowed, lips not in a frown...he looked peaceful, almost innocent. 

I let a small smile form on my lips, my fingers gently tracing down his jaw, down to his lips. Cayden twitched, causing my breath to catch, but he remained asleep. I let out a breath and gently brushed the covers back before I climbed out of bed and made my way over to the large balcony overlooking the giant lake. The wind blew my hair back and caressed my body, but I felt no chill as I leaned on the rails, nibbling my bottom lip as my eyes trailed on the sparkling water below.

And in all my years of life...I felt happy. I didn't know how to explain it, but I had this warm elated feeling within me, and admittedly...I kind of wanted to dance. As weird as that was.

I turned my gaze to the sky, enjoying the millions of stars that twinkled and glistened against the dark backdrop, the moon large and full, creating an almost ethereal glow on the lake and the mountains that surrounded it. I stood out there for a good thirty minutes, just enjoying the sights, before I finally dragged myself back inside, laying next to Cayden and shivering when his arm wrapped around me and pulled me close. It wasn't long before I fell asleep, encased in Cayden's warm embrace.

The next day, I found myself sitting on my knees next to King Alton, who was sitting at a large table with two others, hands folded neatly on top of the wooden surface. I didn't recognize the other two, but I could tell that they were dragons by the ashy scent of them. The man was tall, his short raven locks slicked back as his ruby eyes stared at Alton. He was dressed in expensive silks, which gave me the impression that he was royalty. Next to him, I assumed was his queen. She was gorgeous, with long silky blonde hair that was pulled into an intricate bun, her blue eyes holding a bit of warmth, more so than the man next to her. And they both sat there, waiting for the man next to me to speak.

Alton finally shifted in his seat and leaned forward, dark blue eyes set on the dragons in front of him. "I'm glad that you could make it, Drakon. It seems that so far the rebels have hit all but one kingdom. Yours. I know you are not worried about it, seeing as you have quite the...military presence, but I did feel it necessary to at least warn you of their forces. They're a large group, larger than I had initially thought, and they're smart. Smart enough to sneak their way onto four kingdoms and lay low until they're given the order to attack. We caught a couple of them, imprisoned them, and thanks to my seer, we found out that they're a group of half-breed rebels. According to my seer, they think that by attacking the kingdoms, they can convince us to be equal with their disgusting half-breed selves. They're hoping to make a point."

"Perhaps we should allow them to speak their mind." The woman spoke, tapping her manicured nails onto the table surface.

Alton scowled and leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms across his chest. "Why? They're a group of murderous, disloyal abominations. Why should we give them the right to even talk? They should be sent to death for their treachery."

The female dragon's eyes filled with sadness, her wings fluttering behind her as she shifted in her seat. Drakon placed a large pale hand on top of hers, patting the soft flesh before turning those ruby eyes towards Alton. "Maybe it is about time we free the half-breeds. I do not think that it is fair how cruel you treat them."

"How dare you say such things!" Alton roared, spittle flying from his thin, cracked lips. "They are impure! And murderous. Drakon, they have done nothing but cause us pain and suffering in the last year. Murdering any who stands in their way. Don't you think our ancestors haven't tried to be kind and accept the half-breeds? And what happened? They tried to kill us purebloods and take over our kingdoms. And now they are attempting to do it again!"

Drakon stood up, his built form practically towering over Alton. "I once had a son who was a half-breed. He was pure and innocent and loved everyone. And he was stolen from me, no doubt sold as a slave to some nobleman. I say we extinguish the laws of enslaving those who cannot help what is in their blood. It saddens me that you are so cold blooded and closed minded that you will not see how beneficial freeing them could be. Look, you are already in a war with another kingdom. I know you do not wish to be one, against two. Think about what I've said. And maybe consider expunging the slavery laws." With that, he waited for his queen to stand up before they began to make their way out of the meeting room. As they reached the door, I caught Drakon's eye, making me gasp and drop my gaze as the dragon stared at me intensely, his dark brow furrowing before his queen pulled him out of the room.

What was that about? Why did he stare at me like that? Was it because I was a slave? And he felt pity for me? Although, his talk about freeing the half-breed slaves brought a new hope to me, that maybe I could finally be free. 

But as I looked over at King Alton, my hope fades when I saw rage within those dark blue eyes, his hands curled into fists, knuckles white with how hard he was clenching them. "Slave. Come here." 

I felt my heart clenched tightly in my chest as I slowly rose to my feet, not having to go far seeing as I had been right next to the older man. I kept my eyes to my feet, waiting for him to tell me to please him, or whatever he wanted. But when he threw his hand out and smacked me against my face, I fell to the floor, stunned as my cheek ached. I flinched when Alton stood up, his eyes on me as he walked closer to me.

"When I first saw Drakon, I had my suspicions. I mean, how ironic would it have been if my theories were true? But then he tells me of a son who was stolen from him, and it suddenly clicked. Black hair, red eyes, pale skin, curled horns coming out of your heads. You both looked too alike for it to be just mere coincidence. You must be the son he lost all those years ago." I whimpered when he grabbed ahold of my hair, pulling my head back to where I was staring up at him. "He dares threaten me with war if I do not agree to expunge the slavery law. Then I guess I will have to take my anger out on you. Guards! Take him to the dungeons."

I gasped when I was suddenly hauled up by two women, their eyes cold as they obeyed their commands. As we walked, my mind was racing with doubts and wonders from what Alton had told me. Had he been insinuating that King Drakon of the Draconic Kingdom was my father? How? I was not royalty. In fact, I was far, far from it. I was born as a slave...and was raised as one. Perhaps he was mistaken. He had to be. Because if he wasn't...then that would mean that I still had a family that cared for me. And...and that I was...royalty.

I cried out in pain when one of the female guards shoved me into a cell, closing the caged door behind me with a slam before both of them walked off, leaving me to shiver from the frigid air around me.

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