Chapter Ten

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The next morning, Cayden hardly even spoke to me, making me feel even guiltier for opening my mouth in the first place. The only reaction he had towards me, had been when he nudged me with the boot of his foot, waking me up. After that, he told me it was best if we followed the river, against the flow of it, if we were wanting to find our way home. After that, no words were spoken between us, and as I stepped over a log, I glanced up at Cayden's back, watching him duck under a branch. My leg ached, but I said nothing in fear of angering the brunet.

I cursed silently as I smacked into a tree, glaring at it for no reason as I stepped around it. I paused when I saw that Cayden had stopped, those chocolate eyes trained on me. I felt my cheeks warm in embarrassment, my eyes widening as I averted them. "I-I'm fine." I stammered, hating how awkward I felt.

When he said nothing, I raised my gaze and nibbled at my bottom lip as he stared back at me. Feeling awkward, I opened my mouth to ask if he was ok, only for the brunet to speak. "Is it true?" 

I frowned and furrowed my brows, wrapping my arms around myself. "What do you mean?"

Cayden averted his eyes, looking so very lost as he bit at his bottom lip. "What my father did to you. I-is that true?"

Ah. He was asking if his father really did...use me at such a young age. I lowered my gaze and nodded, hearing the other man sigh in defeat. "I apologize if I ruined your image of your father-"

"No. You merely showed me the truth, Davian." Cayden shook his head and dragged a tanned hand through his dark hair before crossing his arms over his chest. "I-I can't believe what my father did to you. You were only a child. Hell, I was nine. He could have very well done that me." He shook his head and stared at me, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. "And to think I'm just like him. I-I used you too, for selfish reasons, all because everyone around me was doing it. I hurt you, and I'm so sorry."

I stared down at my feet, my heart clenching tightly in my chest. "You're a man, Cayden. You had needs, and you sated yourself with the closest person there. I do not blame you for that. And unlike your father, y-you did always ask me first before taking me." I risked a glance towards him as I found a tree to lean against. "You're nothing like your father, Your Highness. Your father is a cruel man who gets off on hurting others. You may have your days when you act like a snobby rich boy. But deep down I know that you are a kind man who...puts others above himself."

Cayden stared at me, those chocolate eyes filled with disbelief. "Y-you really believe that?" He breathed, voice barely above even a whisper.

I nodded, feeling my cheeks warm, once more. "I do." When I glanced back up at him, he was smiling. And in that moment, he looked extremely attractive to me, with those glittering chocolate eyes, and full lips of his. His brown hair always seemed to be slicked back, except in this one instance, where all the strands were free of gel, hanging around his handsome face. I bit my bottom lip and tore my gaze away from him, clearing my throat as I rubbed at my arms. 

"So...ah...shall we continue our journey? I'm sure you wish to get as far as possible before night falls."

Cayden pursed his lips and nodded, pushing away from the tree. "You're right. However, I did see how you've been wobbling for the past mile. We should probably check that wound of yours."

I bit my bottom lip and stood still as Cayden approached me, kneeling in front of me before he lifted up the bottom of my robe and gently pulled my injured leg towards him. He unwrapped the makeshift bandage and inspected the cut, his eyes gliding over it as he gently turned my leg.
My body heated up at his touch, making me more confused than I had ever been in my life. I bit my bottom lip harshly as he slid his hand slightly higher, before he removed it and stood up, causing me to blow out a disappointed breath.

"It looks like it's healing nicely, although, we probably should wash it once more."

"R-right." I stammered, clearing my throat and turning my head away from him so that he wouldn't see the dark blush that formed over my pale cheeks. As I made my move towards the stream, Cayden grabbed my upper arm, shaking his head when I looked over to him.

"There's a hotspring somewhere nearby. I've also heard rumors of hotsprings having healing qualities."

"Then, let's go to it, then." 

I followed Cayden towards wherever he was taking me, stepping over rocks and twigs and ducking under branches in order to get to our destination. When we finally made it, my eyes widened at how gorgeous the spring was. It was nestled safely between a grove of willow trees, surrounded by thick, green grass. I could see the steam that floated from the clear water; could feel it's warmth even from where I stood. 

Biting my bottom lip, I glanced over to Cayden, who shrugged and began pulling off his clothes. Feeling my face warm as I turned away, I let my own robes drop before I scurried into the water, bending down so that the water came up to my chin. The water felt so nice against my flesh, the warmth of it soothing my aching muscles. I could also feel a sight tingling sensation on my leg, and figured that the water was healing it as Cayden had proclaimed. 

The water rippled when Cayden stepped in, and when I turned, my gaze immediately dropped to the muscled chest that was still in view, not obscured by the water. He had always had such a nice chest, toned to perfection. Not overly so, like some of the soldiers, but nice enough to be appreciated.

I jumped when I was face to face with amused chocolate colored eyes, a dark brow raised on his face as he smirked at me. 

"See something you like, Davian?"

I pursed my lips and moved back, embarrassed that he had caught me staring. "Actually, I was lost in thought about something else, thank you very much." I fibbed, averting my eyes.

I squealed when I felt a sudden splash of water hit me, and turned to see Cayden laughing at me, eyes twinkling with mischief. "That was not befitting of a prince, Your Highness."

Cayden shrugged and swam back, chocolate eyes piercing into me. "Yeah, I'm not a prince. I'm just Cayden."

I bit at my bottom lip, my eyes still trained on the other man before me. Feeling a sudden urge of bravery, I threw my hand out and splashed Cayden, causing the brunet to sputter and stare at me with wide eyes. Well, before those eyes narrowed mischievously as he splashed me back, causing me to slam my eyes closed so that water didn't get into my eyes. When I opened them, I splashed him back, which ended up causing a mini splashing war between the two of us. My heart fluttered and a smile graced my lips as I felt a burst of real happiness course through me. A very rare occurrence indeed. I, despite the collar that was still fastened around my throat. I was also happy, and I could tell that Cayden was too, judging by the smile that graced those thick lips of his. Lips that looked delectable. Lips that I actually wanted to kiss, despite having kissed them before. But, all those times...I didn't really feel anything. I was still mad at the world, still angry over what wrong had been done to me. And Cayden...with him being nice to me and actually showing me the man behind the royal mask, I could faintly feel something there, something I hadn't felt since Kavan.

I was honestly scared, since I didn't want this to end up like the last time. With me brokenhearted.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when I felt hands on my cheeks, my eyes meeting with chocolate as Cayden stared back at me, a ghost of a smile on his face. "You should smile more often, Davian."

Despite myself, I felt my cheeks warm once again. However, I couldn't look away from him, those eyes enchanting me. I bit my bottom lip and watched as those chocolate orbs dropped at the action, the other man licking his own lips as he began leaning in. I felt my eyes drop closed, and before I knew it, his lips were on mine.

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