Chapter Twenty-Two

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It didn't take long for someone to find us, my father's body lying limp on the floor while I was sitting next to him, staring straight ahead. Of course, they had questions. Like, why was the king lying dead in his own blood, and why I was covered in it. I let them know that I would explain everything in front of the kingdom, but not before burying my father.

There was this one cherry tree in our garden, my mother used to cherish before she died. She loved that thing, nurtured it from seed to magnificent tree. Father told me one time, that he wanted to be buried there, if and when he died. And despite what he had done in the past, I was still going to respect his wishes and bury him where my mother rested.

I made sure to check in on Davian as well, a sad frown on my face when I saw that he was still unconscious. His back was still bandaged, but it looked much better than it had when I first found him. I spent twenty minutes with him, watching as he slept. I brushed his hair out of his face and kissed the side of his mouth before I left, sending word to the Kings of the other kingdoms. Since my father was now dead, I had to explain myself to them in order for them to deem me as a worthy king. They were required to put their personal feelings aside, as to not alter the decision, so those who we were currently in war with, wouldn't be able to say no because of their personal vendettas. If they deemed what I done acceptable, then I would be accepted as the new King of the East Kingdom. If they didn't...then I would be seen as a traitor and would be executed in public; beheaded for my sins. I just hope it wouldn't come to that.
So I sent word to them, by way of rider, and made my way back to my chambers, tugging at my top as I closed the door behind me. I was just unlacing my boots when I heard a groan behind me, causing my eyes to go wide as I swung around and watched Davian wince.

I immediately moved to his side, watching as those gorgeous ruby eyes were revealed, unfocused, until they zoned in on me. "C-Cayden?" His voice rang out in the sweetest, and softest of whispers.

I nodded and placed my hand on his head, brushing those dark locks back as a faint smile formed on my lips. "It is me, Davian. How are you feeling? Are you in any pain at all? Are you hungry?"

Davian winced as he attempted to sit up, his breath expelling heavily as he pulled his body up. I helped him, of course, and once he was comfortably situated, I pulled him against my side and kissed the top of his head. "Cayden...what happened? How am Last I checked I was b-bleeding out in King Alton's room." The furrow in his brow deepened as he turned those ruby eyes up towards me, the magnificent gems surrounded by long, thick, dark lashes that made them stand out even more. "King Alton didn't let me go. He's not the type to do so. W-Where is he?"

I brushed my thumb under his eyes, the appendage swiping over the faint freckles that dusted his pale cheeks. My fingers trailed to the metal collar around his throat, my thumb brushing against the scanner, and in an instant, it beeped and opened up, falling to Davian's lap.

His eyes went wide as he stared at the collar in disbelief, his fingers twitching as they brushed over the cold metal of it. Tears began forming in his eyes as he gazed up at me, his mouth open as the first few tears fell. "W-Why?"

"Because Alton can't hurt you anymore." I responded, watching as Davian's lip quivered before the tears began falling, causing me to lean forward and hug him to my chest, careful to not apply pressure to his still sensitive back. "It's alright, My Love. I'm here."

Davian pulled away from me, tears still gliding down his pale cheeks. "What do you mean Alton cannot hurt me? Did...did you do something to him?" I didn't answer, and the longer he stared at me, studying his face, the closer he got to the answer before his eyes flashed in realization. "You killed him." His voice was but a whisper, and his eyes were clouded over in disbelief as he placed a small hand to his mouth.

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