Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The halls were rather crowded when we finally made it out of the room, conversations spiking as we walked past them to the tailors room, where Trixie was waiting for us. When the fawn caught sight of me, his hazel eyes lit up and he gently grabbed ahold of Davian's pale hand, eyes still on me when he spoke.

"I have tailored you an outfit as well. Please follow Horus and get dressed, please."

I nodded and followed the pink haired half-fawn, making my way into an adjacent room that had my outfit placed neatly on a table. When I moved closer to it, a grin formed on my face as I admired the gorgeous red suit jacket and black pants, the fabric soft to the touch, and very well made. I watched as Horus left the room to give me privacy, and I pulled off my clothes and put on my new ones, loving how the fabric felt against my skin. I buttoned the golden buttons on the suit jacket, fixed the golden sash that went across my torso, and finally looked into the mirror, raising a brow at how well the red went against my tanned skin.

I nibbled at my bottom lip, and made my way back into the main room, only to freeze in my tracks. There Davian stood, wearing the outfit I had designed for him. The glittery red dress went gorgeously with his pale skin and red eyes, his long black hair pulled into a messy bun, a few strands falling over his shoulders. He was so, very gorgeous, and my heart began beating in my chest as he shyly smiled at me, a blush forming over his pale cheeks.

"Wow..." I breathed, taking a few steps forward to place my hands on his slim waist. "You look absolutely gorgeous, my Love. Wow. I have no other words to explain how utterly breathtaking you look."

That wonderful blush darkened and he shyly glanced up at me, his hands gently clutching my suit jacket. "You look stunning as well, Cayden. V-Very handsome."

I felt the smile widen on my face, and I leaned forward to gently kiss him on his lips. When I pulled away, those ruby eyes were filled with love as they stared back at me, framed by long, thick, dark lashes. "Shall we?" I asked, holding my arm out for Davian to grab.

Davian blushed once more, but nodded and placed his hand in the crook of my elbow, nibbling at his bottom lip as we left the room. When we made it to the throne room, everyone's eyes shifted towards us, as we walked up the large steps to the throne, where my father's advisor was waiting for me.

Dallia gave me a small smile as I approached her, her dark hair pulled back away from her angular face. She took a step forward, lifting her hands in the air. "Now that his Highness has arrived, let us proceed with the crowning." She gestured to the side, and a small figure darted forward, a long sword gripped in their hands.

Dallia bent forward, taking the sword from the little one, and stretched to her full height, black eyes on the people in front of us. "Today, we witness a new Era arrive, with King Alton's only son to take the throne." She turned to me, and gestured for me to bow to one knee.

Davian's grip on me tightened, but I assured him I was fine as I finally knelt and lifted my gaze, staring at the woman in front of me. "Do you, Prince Cayden of the East Kingdom, promise to protect your people will all of your being? To cherish each and every one of them as if they were your own children? To never let them come into harm's way?"

I nodded, clearing my throat. "Of course I promise."

"Do you swear to never put another Kingdom above your own, unless it is for the betterment of your own people?"

"I swear."

"Do you swear to one day produce an heir, whether biological, or not, to one day take the throne, shall you ever perish?"

"I swear."

I watched as Dallia nodded and gently tapped each of my shoulders with the large blade, before she set it aside and grabbed the glittering crown that had been resting on a pedestal next to her. "Then I, Royal Advisor Dallia Vaxyllan, grant you the title of King." She placed the crown on my head, making me gulp as I felt the weight of it press down my hair. "Congratulations, King Cayden." She turned to the crowd, lifting her hands in the air as a joyous smile spread over her thin lips. "Long live the King!"

The people roared with cheers, chanting the phrase loudly as I was finally able to stand back onto my own two feet. Davian immediately grabbed my arm, a smile on his beautiful face as he gently hugged me, face hidden in my neck as my arms wrapped around his thin waist. 


Davian pulled away. "Yes, Your Highness?"

I cupped his cheek, thumb brushing against the soft flesh as I stared at him with all the love in the world. I licked my lips before nibbling at them, suddenly nervous. But I had to do this. I had to. It felt...right. I had never felt such a way about someone before, so I had to do this. "Marry me."

Davian's eyes widened as tears began forming from those ruby crystals, a few tears slipping as he shot a hesitant glance towards the crowd of people. "But...I-I am a mere slave. What would your followers think?"

I gently grabbed his chin, pulling his face back towards me as I gave him a warm smile, thumb brushing against his plump bottom lip. "There is nothing to worry about, Davian. I am ending the slavery of half-breeds once, and for all. And you were never a slave, my Love. You're royalty, remember? Prince Davian of the Draconic Kingdom. If anyone is eligible to marry is you. You are the only one for me, Davian. I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my days with you. If you will accept me."

Those tears came back and before I knew it, he was kissing me, his arms wrapped around my neck as his lips worked against mine. When he pulled away, we were only centimetres apart when he gave me his answer, and answer that had my heart lighting aflame with joy. "Yes, King Cayden. I will marry you."

I grinned and pulled my now fiance close to me, hugging him tightly while I picked him up off the floor and spun around, too happy to care about the other individuals in the room. He was all that mattered, in that moment. The man I had loved for years...was now going to spend the rest of his life with me. I was so very happy. So, so happy.

Fast forward a couple of ours, and we found ourselves in the dining hall, chatting with Davian's father as we stuffed our faces with delicious bread, fruits, name it. Drakon even brought his two sons along, which made me happy, since Davian was now able to meet his siblings.

Drake, the eldest, was grinning at my love, crimson eyes sparking as he talked with Davian. "-and come to morning, I find but a snakes corps under my pillow. I had nightmares for days!"
Davian laughed, the sound wondrous as he took a sip of his wine, shaking his head in disbelief. "Was I really so crass as a child?"

"Indeed you were," the other sibling spoke, blue eyes shifting to his father. "Isn't that right, Father? Did he not prank us more than any one we have ever known?"

Drakon, whose smile was wide on his face, nodded. "Yes he was. And it was quite humorous whenever he scared the both of you. This tiny little thing, scaring the two big and bad Princes of the Draconic Kingdom."

I watched them bicker back and forth, a grin on my face as my eyes shifted to Davian, who seemed to be enjoying himself as he laughed and joked around, his face lit up in joy. He looked positively gorgeous, and I was so happy he agreed to marry me. As a child, I had only dreamed for this day to come. And it had, sooner than I had originally thought, but perhaps it was for the best. I mean, the half-breeds now could finally be free, able to do whatever they wanted.

And I had the most beautiful one at my side. A gorgeous man with fire dwindling in his heart, and a ferocity that he sometimes let slip loose. A man that I could call my own. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

A/N: Oh my goodness, only one more chapter left before BbC is completed!!!

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