Chapter Three

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The moon was high, casting it's brilliant light into the room I was currently inhabiting, my body nude as I awaited Prince Cayden's arrival. I was actually starting to get irritated, seeing as I had been in this lewd position for nearly thirty minutes now, waiting for that slow mongrel to arrive. I was uncomfortable, but so tired that I was struggling not to fall asleep. If I fell asleep, what would Cayden do? I had never been beaten on his order before, but I didn't know for sure if he actually would punish me or not for falling asleep, especially on his bed.

I blew out a breath of air, staring up at the canopy that draped from the top of the bed. I never knew why some people needed such intricate beds when they only slept in them for a short amount of time. Why waste so much coin, then? Then again, Prince Cayden had more than enough coin to spend. He was royalty, after all.

Just after that fleeting thought passed through my mind, the handle to the door shook, then opened, revealing a tired Cayden as he walked inside, raking a tanned hand though his short brown locks. 

"Stupid old man, I swear! Thinking he can just pawn me, his son, off to some girl I don't know." He was muttering, arms crossed over his broad chest, his chocolate eyes still having not caught sight of me just yet. Nibbling at my bottom lip, I sauntered off of the giant bed and made my way over to him, draping my arm around his shoulder while I pressed my naked self up against him, keeping my eyes downcast. "I can tell that you are rather angry, Your Highness. Allow me to take away your stresses."

Dark chocolate eyes shifted to me as he finally realized I was in the room with him. He let his eyes drop down my nude body, taking in every dip and curve of my pale flesh, his cheeks turning slightly red. Finally, his eyes met mine and he turned to face me, staring at me momentarily before he began leading me to the bed, his tanned cheeks still flushed. I was momentarily surprised by the action, however, my surprise disappeared when he gently pressed his lips against mine, his large hands caressing whatever flesh was near. His kisses were soft, and yet also hard, which made me think he really was angry over something. I wonder what it was. Wait, no, I don't. If I wonder what angered him, then I would sympathize with him and he was much too pompous for my tastes. So I couldn't have that.

I allowed him to have his way with me, his touches sensual and delicate on my body. I knew I was bound to be sore in the morning, thanks to King Alton having his way with me last night, but I would have to deal with it, since I was just an object. He owned me, so he could do whatever he wanted with me. Well, actually, his father owned me, but allowed Cayden to do what he wished to me. Which was strange because Cayden didn't usually do all to much with me. Clean his room, tidy his things, laundry and intimacy, maybe, but not nearly to the extent of his father.

When Cayden was finished with me, he surprised me when he began playing with his fingers, as if he were deep in thought, but couldn't put his words together. Instead, he laid there, full lips pulled into a tight line, eyes hardening the longer he stared up at the canopy. "My father wishes me to marry some...princess from the West Kingdom." My ears twitched as his words peaked my interests, though, I kept my eyes away from him, not wanting to anger him by interrupting him with my curiosities. 

"As if I could ever marry someone I do not know. Yet my father claims that I will eventually fall in love with her. As if. M-My heart already belongs to someone special."

My brows furrowed at this...unexpected news, my curiosity peaking as I tried to question in my mind, who he could possibly love. Was it some noble woman he met while on business? A noble man, perhaps? Maybe it was a commoner he happened upon and fell in love with.

Well, who knows, and who cares? It wasn't any of my business anyway. Whoever he falls in love with is entirely his business. Not mine. I felt the bed shift, and I didn't even have to look at him to know that his eyes were trained on me. 

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