Chapter Seventeen

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"Thank you. And is there any word on when my father will arrive?"

"His Highness shall be here by noon, one at the latest."

"Alright. Whenever he arrives, send someone up to let me know."

"Of course, Your Highness."

I let my eyes slide open, the conversation having woken me up. I could smell the aroma of hot, steaming food, my stomach rumbling in anticipation as I turned my attention to the door, watching as Cayden closed it and turned in my direction. I couldn't quite explain it, but at the sight of him, my body erupted in lust, my breathing getting heavier the longer I stared at him.
Why was I feeling such a way? Why did I feel so...needy? This had never happened the other times Cayden and I were intimate with one another. This feeling was new...and it completely clouded most of my thoughts as Cayden walked closer to me, setting the tray of hot food off on a small table to the side.

"Good morning. Ah, I woke up kinda early, so I took the liberty to get us some breakfast." He took a seat next to me, chocolate eyes staring down at me.

At this point, I was short of breath, my body lined with sweat as I was unable to form words. Cayden's brow furrowed as his hand came to rest on my forehead, his lips twitching.

"Are you...alright? You feel hot." A look of recognition crossed his features, his eyes averting to the side. "Oh. Oh I forgot about that." He looked back towards me, reading the look of confusion on my face. "Last night was the first night you orgasmed, correct? Well, for a dragon, and I'm assuming half-dragons as well, when they orgasm for the first time, they go into a sort of...heat. I can make it stop...if you're alright with that."

"P-please," I managed to utter, before we became intimate once more.

Once, then twice, then a third time before the heat faded away, and I was left feeling more tired than lusting. My body felt more relaxed than it ever had been, my limbs heavy. But even so, I managed to eat and get dressed, before finding myself sitting on the bed, staring at Cayden.
"How did you know?"

Cayden turned those dark eyes towards me, a single brow raised as he finished buttoning up his shirt. "How did I know what?"

"What I was going through. The...heat thing."

Cayden walked over to me and took a seat on the edge of the bed, leaning his elbows on his knees as he turned his head in my direction. "I learned about it in my studies. Dragons are rather...interesting to learn about. And that just happened to be included in my studies. Why? I don't really know, but I'm glad I do know. Especially now."

I nodded as I listened, and drew my legs up to my chest before leaning my head on my knees. "So, does that mean you know why I've never..."

"Orgasmed before?" Cayden supplied, causing me to nod. A small smile formed on his face as he averted his eyes, those dark orbs concentrated on the wooden floor. "Yes, I know why. I'm just...not sure if you'll believe me."

"Try me."

Cayden sighed and stood up, crossing his arms over his chest before he began pacing back and forth, a small, almost unnoticeable blush forming over his tanned cheeks. "Well, from my studies, a dragon can't orgasm...unless they have...feelings towards the individual they are being intimate with. So in order for you to have reached completion," he turned to look at me, nibbling at his bottom lip, "then that means you have feelings for me, whether you consciously know it or not." 

I could only stare at him, unable to form words at his accusation. Me? Have feelings for him? The longer I thought about it, the tighter my chest got as I realized he was right. After showing me who he truly was...I guess I began to fall for him without even realizing it. This was bad. I couldn't have feelings for him. For gods' sake, he was a Prince, beloved by his people, and I was nothing more than dirt under his feet. It was wrong of me to feel such a way for someone like him. I knew that even if he felt the same way about me, we could never be together. And gods forbid if King Alton ever found out. He would have me killed for sure.

I jolted when I felt Cayden sit next to me, his fleshy bottom lip pulled in between his teeth as he stared at me, hesitating before he lifted a hand and placed it on top of my own. "Davian, I-"

He was suddenly interrupted by a quick knock on the door, the sudden sound causing the both of us to jump in surprise. "His Highness has arrived." A voice from the other side spoke, muffled, but still clear enough to make out.

Cayden spared me a glance, sighing before he closed his mouth and stood up, fixing his dark hair as he did so. "Let's go."

I lowered my gaze and nodded as I stood up, keeping my head down as I followed him down into the tavern part of the inn. There King Alton sat, talking with a guard before those eyes shifted to Cayden, lighting up as he took a step towards his son. 

"My boy! Oh how I am glad that you're alright. You are not injured, are you?" The older man wondered, not even bothering to spare me a glance before he was walking out of the door with Cayden. Knowing that I had to play the part of a slave, once more, I silently followed them, King Alton beckoning me into the carriage without even looking at me.

Feeling my heart crumble at being treated like an object once again, I bowed my head respectively and climbed in, taking my seat on the floor. It didn't take long for us to begin moving, Cayden and King Alton deep in conversation. 

"So how is everything at the castle?" Cayden was asking his father, those dark eyes flickering to me for a split second.

"Hectic, as you can imagine. We did not expect such an attack on us without any sort of warning. And it did not help to ease the panic when you suddenly disappeared. I have one witness say that you jumped off of the cliff."

Cayden shrugged, leaning back in his seat. "It was either that, or risk being killed or captured by whomever attacked us. I had a feeling that we would survive the drop, so I took that opportunity to get away."

Finally, Alton turned his gaze towards me, his eyes narrowing just a bit. "I'm surprised the slave survived. He's nothing more than skin and bones."

Cayden's chocolate eyes trailed over to me. "He's much tougher than he looks, Father. He saved me on a couple occasions, as well."

I furrowed my brows, wondering what he was talking about. But when I glanced up, he had a stern look on his face, telling me to just go with it. Alton stared at me for a couple seconds more, before tilting his head up and tearing his gaze away from me.

"Maryanne is worried about you. You were supposed to wed the day after you disappeared-"

"Father, there is something I must confess. I-I don't wish to marry her. She and I both have others we have given our hearts to, and I do not want to marry someone I do not love-"

"What is this nonsense you are sprouting, Cayden? How dare you speak such things! You and Princess Maryanne must marry if we are to finally end this pointless war. Yet here you are, saying that you are willing to risk our people's lives over love."

"Father, you and King Lyam can end the war with only a few words, and you know it. Yet the both of you are so stubborn, you would rather marry off your children, then end it like a couple of civilized adults."

At this point, King Alton was glaring at Cayden, those blue eyes filled with fury. "You and I will talk about this later, when we are not in the presence of others." Those eyes flickered down towards me, making me quickly avert my own gaze to the bottom of the carriage. 

I didn't know why Cayden suddenly dropped his feelings about the whole marriage now, knowing how angry his father would become. And seeing how enraged Alton was...I knew it wouldn't end well for any of us.

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