Chapter Twenty-Five

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Hands gliding over heated skin, bodies embraced in a dance of pure love. I wouldn't ask for anything, other than the man below me, whose pale face was lit aflame in pleasure and desire. His little cries and mewls were like music to my ears, each breath that hitched like a symphony of lust. He was absolutely gorgeous, and I was so very blessed to have had captured his heart.
With every kiss, and caress, I brought him closer and closer to that wonderful peak, before he finally fell, his back arching up as his eyes squeezed closed. With his face lit up in bliss, I pressed one last kiss against his sweet lips, enjoying that soft flesh against my own.

When I pulled away, Davian looked at me with such love in his eyes, it brought forth a warmth in my chest. "Do you feel better, my Love?" I wondered, brushing aside some of his raven hair.

Davian gave me a shy smile and nodded, averting those ruby eyes of his. "Yes. I...thank you, Cayden. Is it weird to say that I feel much closer to you? I-I mean, I do not know if it makes any sense, but I feel more...connected to you."

I chuckled, feeling my cheeks warming as I placed my hand on his waist, my palm against his warm, soft skin. "It is not weird at all, Davian. I'm actually rather happy that you feel such a way. I feel like I'm more connected to you, as well." I then quieted down and stared at him, my eyes trailing to his full lips before I began to lean in, ready to kiss the love of my life. Only, I was interrupted when a knock sounded on my bedroom door, causing me to pull away from Davian.

"Your Highness? Are you decent?"

I immediately recognized the voice as Drakon's, my eyes widening as I looked down at Davian, whose ruby eyes were clouded over in curiosity.

"Ah...not at the moment. Give me a minute to get dressed." I replied, earning an embarrassed "Ok" from the other man.

Davian watched me curiously as I stood up and pulled my clothes on, hiding my naked flesh from his sight. "Who is that?"

I paused in my actions, nibbling at my bottom lip before I finished buttoning my shirt and turned to him. "That is King Drakon...your father."

Davian stared at me, a frown forming on his lips. He didn't say anything. Didn't accept it, didn't deny it...he just stayed as silent as the grave, finally tearing his eyes from mine. I sighed and moved to his side, gently grabbing at his hand. "He recognized you when I was being interrogated and spoke of you. He seemed so happy at the thought of being reunited with his youngest child. He wishes to spend time with you, Davian. Do you think you're ok to do that? I'm sure you will make his day, if you do."

Davian stared at the blanket below him, his teeth nibbling hard at his bottom lip, slightly swollen from our love-making. "I-I don't know if I want to accept that he is my father. I mean, I saw the resemblance when I last saw him, and what Alton said to me after he left...I just..." he lifted those gorgeous ruby eyes towards me, the gems watering as tears began to form. "How can I be royalty, after nearly twenty years of being treated like I meant nothing, just dirt under the pureblood's feet? How can I accept so willingly that I'm actually worth something?"

I placed my hand on his cheek, using my thumbs to wipe away his tears. "You will never live that life again, my Love. Never will you be ordered around like an object, or treated like an animal. You will be loved, and cared for, and I will make sure of that." I gently kissed him, caressing his face before I pulled away, with a small smile on my lips. "Spend some time with him. You might find that you learn new things about yourself that you did not know before."

"Alright." Davian stood from the bed and grabbed his clothes, pulling them on before he looked to me.

I gave him a small smile, and walked over to the bedroom door, opening it to reveal Drakon, who stood there sheepishly, before his eyes flickered to Davian, filling with warmth. He took a couple of hesitant steps inside, before he nibbled at his lip and hurried forward, grabbing Davian in an embrace.

Davian shot me a look, and I nodded my head, which prompted him to hesitantly wrap his arms around the older man, awkwardly patting his back before Drakon pulled away, cupping Davian's face. "I am so happy to see you, my little dragon. I hope that in the coming days, you can learn to accept me as your father. If not...then I will understand."

"I-I guess we shall see, then." Davian muttered, looking out of place as those ruby eyes flickered over to me.

I looked at the both of them, feeling as if I were a third wheel. I shoved my hands into the pockets of my trousers and cleared my throat, gesturing to my bedroom door. "Well...ah...I guess I will give you your time. If you need me, I'll be in the tailor's room. If not there...then maybe the kitchens." I gave them one awkward nod before I was leaving the room, making my way over to where the tailor was located.

And the fawn was already in there when I walked inside, along with King Lyam's...companion Horus. The pink haired half-fawn looked over to me with those narrow silver eyes, a smile blooming across his pale, freckled face when he saw me. "Your Highness, it is nice to see you. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Actually yes. I need you, Trixie," I directed to the tailor, "to make something for Davian to wear for tomorrow. I want everyone's eyes on him when he is revealed alongside of me."

Trixie blinked at me with large hazel eyes, pursing his lips as he nodded. "I can most definitely help you with that. Do you have something in mind?"

I nodded and nibbled at my bottom lip. "Actually...yeah, I do."

And in the next hour, I proceeded to explain to him exactly what I wanted in Davian's new outfit, every detail, and every stitch, until Trixie began working on it. Once he took out the various fabrics, he all but shooed me away, claiming he wanted the end result to be a surprise.
I respected his wishes and made my way to the kitchens, telling them what I wanted done, what foods they needed to prepare for the day to come.

After a while, I made my way back to my room, surprised to see that Davian and Drakon were still in there, this time, situated by the fire. My heart warmed when I saw the small smile on Davian's face, and when I made my move towards them, their ruby eyes darted towards me.

"Cayden! I'm happy that you could make it back., was just telling me about my days as a little one. It seems that my clumsiness is hereditary."

I grinned, gently placing my hand on his waist when he walked over to me, eyes glittering. "It is, is it? Well, I am so happy that you two are having such a grand time. It warms my heart to see you two connecting."

Drakon nodded and stood up, easily towering over Davian, but only a few inches taller than myself. "I have been informing him of what he was like when he was still in my care. He was quite the mischievous thing." He chuckled and placed a hand on Davian's shoulder, ruby eyes sparkling as he glanced down at his son. "He used to pull pranks on his elder brothers whenever the opportunity arose. He was such a fiery spirit then."

"He still has his moments," I spoke, my eyes trailing down to Davian.

Drakon then clapped his hands together, a warm smile on his face. "Well, whatever the case, I guess it is about time I take my leave. I have quite a lot to do for tomorrow's ceremony." Those ruby eyes trailed towards the smaller half-dragon. "I do hope that we may enjoy each others company another time."

Davian nodded, nibbling cutely at his bottom lip, as he shifted his weight to the side, tucking a dark strand of silky, raven hair behind his shoulder. "I would like that, very much."

A/N: It's probably not the best chapter I've written, but here it is! 
I hope you enjoy the chapter, and like I said, when I get used to my job, I'll be able to update more often than once or twice a week. 
But in any case, I'm very thankful that you all are so understanding and patient with me. It really makes my day and shows me how wonderful you all are. 😄😄
So enjoy the chapter! And if you're bored when waiting for a chapter of BbC to be posted, if you haven't already, go check out my other books Frost, and the Savior series as they are completed and lgbt friendly. 😆

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