Chapter Four

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The sunlight illuminated the room, casting a warm light over every nook and cranny. My lids were closed, but that did not stop the light from piercing through the thin skin, causing me to slowly open my eyes. I was still too tired to get up, but I knew that I had to, since I never really had an option. So, despite wanting to stay in my warm bed, I forced myself to stand up, stretching as I pulled on my robes. I pulled my hair over my shoulder and proceeded to leave my room, making my way over to the Prince's, knocking on the wood gently. When there was no answer, I slowly opened the door and peeked inside, seeing the prince deep in sleep on his large canopy bed. Pursing my lips, I made my way over to the curtains, gently pulling away at them until the room was illuminated in sunlight.

Prince Cayden groaned behind me, and when I turned, I witnessed as he threw a heavy tanned arm over his face. 

"It is time to wake, Your Highness." I spoke softly, not wanting to anger the brunet. He was always grumpy in the morning before his coffee.

I heard Cayden sigh heavily, before removing his arm and peeking at me. "Bring me some breakfast, slave. Then meet with Cara so she can make you more presentable for later this day."
I nodded and bowed before making my way to the kitchens. When I got there, I moved inside and gathered a couple of sweetened bread and some milk, before I headed back to Cayden's room, the man now up and dressed in his royal garments. I bowed once more and set his breakfast on his nightstand, moving to leave in order to meet Cara, as he had asked of me. She was in the dressing quarters for the slaves, her long raven colored hair all pulled up neatly in a bun. She was currently working on one of the nobles, braiding the woman's blonde hair before she placed it in a high ponytail, weaving various blue jewels within the silky strands.

"There ya' go, my Lady. I do hope you are satisfied with the outcome."

She handed the woman a mirror, and with an appreciative nod, the woman stood from her seat and faced the half-fairy. "You have done as well as always, Cara." She nodded towards her once more, then left, but not before giving me a rather...nasty look.

I ignored her childish look and made my way over to Cara, watching as the smaller female placed away her brushes, unknowing of my presence, just yet. I cleared my throat and watched as she jumped, whirling around to face me. She placed a small dark hand on her chest, giving me a small glare.

"You scared the daylights out of me, Davian. Were you not taught to never sneak up on an unsuspecting person?"

I gave her a ghost of a smile before gesturing to my long, silky black hair. "I apologize, Cara. I did not mean to frighten you. I am here because Prince Cayden wishes you to do something to my hair. He wants me to be...presentable when he meets his new fiancé."

Cara's dark brows raised, her golden eyes filling with surprise. "So the King has finally found that boy a fiancé, huh? I guess he's tired of waiting for his son to produce an heir."

I made my way over to the stool, gingerly taking a seat, my back facing the dark skinned woman. "He is still young. Only a young twenty-one. I do not see why the King is so adamant about Prince Cayden having a child." 

"They're royalty. That's all they really care about, other than conquering new lands."

I felt as she began tugging at my hair, careful to not snar the silky strands with my horns. "Don't let them hear you say such things. You may be beheaded for such words."

"Well, I'm tired of living in their shadows, anyway. I'm better off dead, than being someone's little toy to order around."

I kept silent, not really knowing how to answer that. It saddened me to hear her say such things, but most slaves felt that way. We were objects. We weren't seen as individual beings with emotions and wants and dreams. We weren't seen as anything other than something to be ordered around. It was depressing, but it was the truth. Even if it wasn't right.

We sat there in silence through the entire duration of her styling my hair. Neither of us had anything to say to the other, so the only sounds that echoed through the room, was the sound of a brush moving through my raven hair. Or even the soft breaths of Cora and I. Once she was finished, I stood and made my way to leave, only for Cara to call my name.

Looking over my shoulder towards her, I saw her rummaging through an old chest before pulling out a muted, red outfit. She turned towards me, and held the clothing out. "I'm sure the Prince also wishes you to dress in something a little nicer than those rags you currently have on."

I blinked and nodded, gingerly taking the outfit from her tiny hands. "Thank you, Cara."

Cara shrugged and crossed her arms over her chest. "No need to thank me. Just remember to block out when the Prince starts complaining like a child."

Not wanting to risk someone hearing me agree to that, I merely nodded my head and made my way back to my small room, in order to get dressed in the new outfit that Cara had graced me. I shrugged off my "rags", as Cara had blatantly called them, and pulled on the muted red robe, raising my brow in surprise when it fit me snugly. 

After I was dressed, I made my way back to Cayden's room, noticing that he was not in there. I made my way to search elsewhere, when I heard someone approaching me from behind. I paused in my steps, keeping my eyes to the floor as I turned to face whomever it was. Luckily for me, it was Cayden, all ready with his longsword by his side. He didn't say anything for a few moments, although I felt his eyes on me. As I was about to ask him what was the matter, he cleared his throat and gestured off to the side. "The carriage is ready. Although, I must inform you that my father will be accompanying me on this journey as well. So if he asks something of you, you must see to it. Understood? I don't want him thinking that I'm trying to steal his best slave."

"Yes, Your Highness." I answered softly, letting the taller man grab me by the upper arm and gently pull me with him.

When we made it to the carriage, I noticed that King Alton was already situated inside, dressed in his most expensive of silks. When he caught sight of me, those wizened blue eyes narrowed, before shifting over to his son. "Cayden, what is the meaning of this? Why must you bring a slave with you?"

"Because, Father," Cayden said as he entered the carriage, "I am sure Princess Maryanna will have her personal slave with her as well. It is only fair that I have one, is it not?"

Alton shifted his gaze towards me as I sat down on the floor of the carriage, my hands placed in my lap as I stared at the wood. "This isn't even your slave. Last I checked, this slave belongs to me. I merely let you use him on occasion."

Cayden crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back in his seat, raising a dark brow. "Do you wish for me to bring another slave? Because I can-"

"No. We have wasted enough time already, waiting for you to join us. I will not waste a second more so you can bring another slave. This one will have to do, I suppose."
Cayden grinned. "Glad that we can be in agreement, Father."

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