Chapter Twenty-Three

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The air was tense when I finally found my way to the conference room, the eyes of the other Kings and Queen darting in my direction as I entered the room. My heart was pounding in my chest with each step I made towards my chair, my palms sweaty and my breath ragged. When I finally took a seat, I let my eyes roam over my company, recognizing King Lyam, with his slave Horus at his side, and Queen Agatha, whose male slave knelt on the floor by her feet. I also recognized King Logan and King Soraun, and when my eyes darted to King Drakon, my brows raised at how similar he looked to Davian.

Jet black hair, pale skin, ruby colored eyes...other than looking more masculine than my beloved, he sure did share a lot of characteristics with him.

"So, today we have gathered to judge Prince Cayden, and deem him worthy of the crown, or embark punishment on him for killing his father, King Alton. All rise."

Everyone followed Lyam's order, placing their hands on their hearts as Lyam spoke again. "I need you all to repeat after me. I, King Lyam of the West Kingdom, solemnly swear that I will put my personal feelings aside regarding the defendant, and only look to facts and reason to determine his fate."

Everyone repeated him, placing their own names in place of his, their eyes darting towards one another. When they were finished, they all sat down, folding their hands over the wooden surface of the table, before turning their attention to me. Lyam raised a dark brow and gestured in my direction. "So Prince Cayden, would you care to explain what made you kill your own father?"

"Of course, Your Highness. My father had been...losing himself, in lack of better terms. He began to make undesired decisions and even beat his own slave nearly to death. I...I came to confront him, trying to speak reason to him when he came at me with a dagger."

"He came at you with a dagger?" Queen Agatha asked, raising her pale brows. "Now why would he do something like that?"

I frowned, twirling my fingers around. "I'm honestly not sure. I didn't think he was ever willing to harm me in such a way...but then again, I didn't realize he had taken Davian...ah, his slave, to bed with him when he was only seven. I didn't think he was capable of such things, but I guess the loss of sanity can do that to a person."

There were mixed reactions in the room, from disgust, to indifference to...recognition? I furrowed my brows as I caught sight of Drakon, a frown on the dragon's lips as his eyes flashed with recognition.

"This you know when King Alton came into possession of him?"

I shook my head. "I'm not exactly sure. But, he has been with us for as long as I can remember. He turns twenty in a couple of months."

Drakon turned his eyes from me, his ruby gaze all but drilling holes into the table. I was curious as to why he was acting that way, but I knew that this session was about me, and not him.
King Soraun turned his black eyes towards me, his tail swishing and ears twitching as he regarded me. "You claim that Alton beat his slave nearly to death. Perhaps the slave did something wrong to deserve such reproductions?"

I immediately shook my head. "No. Davian is a loyal man. Hell, we were forced off of a cliff and spent time in the woods. He could have ran away and found a way to get his collar off, but he didn't. He stayed by my side. Besides," I turned my gaze away, scratching at my chin, "my father doesn't like giving Davian scars. He always claimed that it marred his beauty. I am just as baffled as to why he would beat him nearly to death, as you must be. Look, all of that aside, I adore my kingdom. I love every single one of my people, and I wouldn't let harm befall them. I could end the wars between us, create treaties and create trading opportunities. I was defending myself when my father came at me. I did not kill him out of spite, and that should be enough for you to make your decision."

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