Chapter Eleven

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This kiss felt much different than any kiss he had given me. Usually they were hungry, and full of passion after a while. But this was slow, cautious, and...sweet. He was taking his time as he cupped my face, our lips dancing together to a soundless song. I was actually getting lost in this kiss as his tongue caressed mine, but a sharp cold slip of reality made me realize something very important. 

I pulled away from him, a frown on my swollen lips as I glanced up at him, seeing him staring at me with half-hooded eyes. "We can't do this." I stated simply, watching as Cayden frowned.
"Do what? Kiss? And why not?"

I turned my body away from him and swam over to the edge, leaning my head on my arms, my elbows resting against plush green grass. "You have a fiance, now. I don't think she would be thrilled to know that you were being intimate with a slave while she was planning your wedding."

I felt the water ripped beside me, and I didn't even spare a glance to the man that swam up next to me, resting his back against the edge of the water. "I feel nothing for her. Nothing romantic, anyway." He looked over to me, his hair wet against his face. "Besides, I'm sure she is intimate with the man, or woman she loves. We are only marrying one another so the war can finally stop. Not because we care about what the other is doing. Not because of...feelings. Because it is our duty as royalty."

I glanced over to him from the corners of my eyes. "Why would anyone want to force their child into a loveless relationship?"

Cayden shrugged and leaned his head back, chocolate gaze staring up at the trees. "My father was in a loveless marriage. And so was my grandfather, and his father before that. I guess they care more about wealth and treaties, than about love."

"What do you care about? Love? Or treaties?" I wondered aloud.

Cayden shifted his gaze and stared at me silently, eyes piercing into mine. Finally, he tore those chocolate orbs away from me and proceeded to pull himself out of the spring, his nude body wet, and glistening. I felt my cheeks warm as I looked away from him, instead staring at the grass that was in front of me.

"Love," Cayden answered silently. "I care about love more than I do treaties. Perhaps that is selfish of me to believe so."

"I don't think you're selfish. You've done so much for your people deserve to be selfish over one thing."

Cayden looked at me, biting at his lush bottom lip as he thought over what I said. Finally, he sighed and went to put on his clothes, his back towards me as he spoke. "Whatever the case, we should probably get going. I say we have about two, to three hours of daylight left. We should probably hunt for food, and find a safe place to rest, before it gets too dark."

I nodded and pulled myself out of the spring, hating the way my soaked hair clung to my neck and back. I bent down to grab my robe and put it on, and when finally had it over my shoulders, I turned and blushed when I realized that Cayden had been watching me. He smirked when he saw how red my cheeks were, and gestured off to the side before running his fingers through his damp hair. "Well, we should probably get going."

We walked for about thirty minutes, neither of us conversing. Instead, we listened to the sound of life around us, nature as its finest. It was hitting the hour mark when we began hunting for something to eat, eventually finding a few squirrels. We made camp in a small grove of trees, Cayden making a fire and cooking our meal. I had eaten about two squirrels in the span of a few minutes, starving and exhausted. 

My body ached from walking so much, but luckily, my wound had healed, which made my journey much easier. After I finished eating, I began brushing my fingers through my hair, trying to untangle the raven strands. I winced when I pulled my fingers through a particularly tedious knot, and I ended up ripping a few strands of hair out in the process.

"So...ah, tell me about Kavan."

I blinked, my brows furrowing as I turned my attention towards Cayden, frowning when I saw the look of curiosity on his face. I sighed and pulled my hair over my shoulder, turning to stare into the fire as I recalled my memories about the man I had given my heart to. "Kavan...he was a slave like me. He was always so kind to me when no one else was." I moved my gaze away from the fire and stared down at my fingers. "I was fifteen when he confessed his feelings for me. Claimed that he had loved me for years, but had always been too shy to approach me." A faint smile formed over my lips. "He was ecstatic to know that I fancied him as well." My smile fell and I felt tears beginning to form in my eyes. "Somehow, King Alton found out about our love for one another, and since he loved to torment me...he had Kavan killed right in front of me. And you know what he told me? He told me that slaves had no right to be happy." I fell quiet after that, burying my face in my knees as I cried.

I barely paid Cayden any mind as I felt him sit down next to me, throwing an arm over my shoulder before he pulled me up against him. "I am so sorry that my father forced you to go through that. That man is heartless, and I'm just now realizing it. I can't believe I never knew how cruel he could be."

I shook my head and looked over to him, seeing the sadness swirling around those chocolate eyes of his. "It's not your fault. And...despite how cruel he to me, he would never do that to you. You're his son, his family."

"Ha. As if." Cayden snorted, resting his arms on his knees. "The only thing that man sees me as is a business proposition. Something to bring kingdoms together. I guess we were both screwed over...but I was just too stupid to see it."

"I'm sorry," I muttered as I turned my gaze towards him. 

Cayden furrowed his brows. "For what?"

"I always seem to make our conversations depressing. And for that, I apologize."

Cayden surprised me when he gently grabbed my chin, turning my head towards him. "It's alright, Davian. I-I shouldn't have asked you about Kavan."

I gave him a tiny smile, heaving a sigh as I began picking at my nails. "You were curious. I can't fault you for that." I began nibbling at my bottom lip. "What about you? Don't you have someone you fancy?"

"So you were listening in on my and Maryann's conversation."

I blushed darkly at his teasing tone, pouting as I crossed my arms over my chest. "I couldn't help it, ok? I'm sure you listened in on conversations you weren't supposed to."

Cayden shrugged, but his grin told me everything I needed to know. The brunet then bit at his bottom lip, suddenly looking a bit flustered. "Yes, there is someone that I have feelings for. But ah...they don't know that. Actually, to be completely honest, I've been in love with them since we were children. I never had the courage to do anything about it, though. Guess I'm a bit of a coward."

"Well, maybe you should tell them. You never know, they might feel the same way about you, as you do them."

Cayden glanced my way, those eyes one me as a sad smile formed on his lips. "I highly doubt that. But...I guess, thank you for the encouragement." 

I gave him a small smile in return, though, the smile dropped when I heard a branch snap. Jumping to my feet, I frantically looked around, hoping that it wasn't another bear, or some kind of creature, wanting to eat us for dinner. Cayden was right beside me, arm held out in front of me as his dark eyes surveyed our surroundings.

"I-is it another bear?" I wondered quietly, my hands gripping the back of Cayden's shirt.
"Not quite," A voice seemed to speak from behind us.

My eyes widened and I whipped around, only to be smacked in the head with a heavy object. I fell to the ground, my vision blackening. The last thing I saw were a pair of booted foots stepping into my vision.

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