Chapter Twenty-One

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(Cayden's POV)

Where was he? Where was the man who I had given my heart to? The slave who somehow wormed his way into that beating organ, an organ that craved for his company.

It had been days since I last saw him, and my father refused to tell me where he had gone. I was beyond worried, my heart tight as I spent every available waking hour trying to get my father to tell me where he was.

Of course, that bastard refused to answer me, and I could only fear for the worst. Ever since that meeting with the Draconic King, Drakon, Father has been acting rather different. Suspicious and anxious, even. Avoiding me at all costs, despite me finding him every time, his refusal to answer my inquiries. He was different, and I was admittedly scared of the reasoning.

What had he done with Davian? Had he...killed him? Sold him off? What did Davian even do to him to deserve whatever fate my Father thrust upon him?

I paced back and forth in my room, my hair a mess from how often my fingers threaded through it. My lip was raw from how often I found myself nibbling at it, and my eyes hurt from lack of sleep. I couldn't sleep, not knowing where Davian was, or if he was even ok. But I didn't need sleep. I needed to find him.

Yet again I reached out to my father, begging him to tell me what had been done with my love. And yet again, the old man refused to answer me. In frustration, I may have threw my arm out and pushed everything from the table, onto the floor. And even then, Father still refused to look at me.

Another day went by, and then another, and next thing I knew, it had been a week. And I knew something was off. I could feel it within my very core. Something was amiss, and I planned on figuring it out.

I roamed around the castle, looking in every room I could think of, my eyes darting back and forth in search of the half-dragon. I even asked a couple of slaves and servants, and even they claimed they had not seen him. A few of them made me question whether they were lying to me or not, but no matter how...adamantly I interrogated them, they still kept to their word.

By the end of the day, I was frustrated, beyond so, and with my anger steadily rising, I made my way over to my father's room, ready to demand that he give me answers. When I came up to the extravagant door, I grabbed the handle and just walked in, not caring about knocking.

Though...when I walked inside, it was as if the world around me shattered as my eyes caught sight of my beloved, his body limp and hanging from the ceiling. His back...oh gods his back was covered in blood, deep lacerations marring his once pale flesh.

I quickly rushed to his side, tears in my eyes as I lifted up his hanging face, his eyes closed. "D-Davian? My love?" My heart clenched tightly in my chest when he did not respond, and for a second I thought he was dead, until I felt the faint breath escaping from his nose.

I immediately cut him down and his body fell into a heap in my arms, his head lolling to the side as I brought him close to me. His hair was dirty and tangled, and his skin was terrifyingly cold, and I could feel my anger rising the longer I held him.

My father did this to him. He hurt him and then left him to die. How dare he place his filthy hands on Davian. How dare he hurt him as bad as he had. And I know Davian had asked me not to confront my father about what he had done, but after seeing Davian like this, unconscious and bleeding out...I wanted nothing more than to ram my sword into my father's cold, unbeating heart. I was done with that man. So done with his cruelty. And I was going to make him regret ever hurting Davian.

I ended up bringing Davian to my room, gently placing him on my bed, laying him on his stomach so his cuts wouldn't be irritated. I frowned and sat down next to him, gently brushing his dirtied raven locks from his pale face, my fingers trailing down his cheek before stopping at his plush lips. Lips that were cracked and dry. I felt my heart breaking all over again as I stared at him, tears forming in my eyes before I pulled my gaze away, standing up. It took me only five minutes to find one of our healers, and when she caught sight of Davian, she gasped and rushed up to his side, lifting those entirely white eyes to stare up at me.

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