1 - Vernon ✔️

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At this time it was easy for Harry to wish he had died last year in the ministry of magic along with Sirius as he laid on the wood bed with the hole filled blanket and nearly flat pillow in Dudley's second bedroom. He lied there thinking about how things could have been different, how he could be at Grimmauld place laughing and hanging out with his godfather but is instead on a pitiful excuse of a bed not wanting to move in fear of causing pain.

"Get down here now and cook breakfast!" Harry heard his uncle yell up the Stairs bringing him back to reality as he slowly sat up and swung his legs over the bed and stood up making his way to the door, down the stairs in almost a robotic way. He pulled out the pan and took out some bacon turning on the stove as he thought about how his sixth year will go. "Watch you don't burn the bacon again brat!"

"Yes aunt Petunia." He said back setting the table while he waited for the bacon to finish and then started on the eggs and French toast.

'I'll have to see McGonagall before term starts, I still haven't picked out my classes." Harry thought as he placed the food onto the plates while his whale of an uncle walked in and his horse of an aunt followed with Dudley not far behind heading to the table ready to eat.

"I thought I told you not to burn it! Are you that dim witted?" Harry looked at the bacon on the plate, which to him looked perfectly fine and his stomach even rumbled with the need for the food he had been denied for just over a week now. "It looks fine to me, I will eat it if you don't want it." He said but instantly regretted it as his uncles face turned red and he looked over at Him. "You ungrateful freak! Get out of the house now! Weed the gardens, mow the lawn, trim the bushes, mop the deck, and clean the drain!" He snapped at his pointing to the door.

Harry threw a glare at his relatives stomping outside. No food again it looks like, he thought as he dropped to his knees by the garden and started weeding while his brain once again drifted off to the event of last year.

Thoughts of Umbridge forcing him to carve words into one of his hands and then writing with the blood, oh how he wished for that woman to be sacked and punished for her doings. Thoughts about DA and how much he had learned himself and what he had taught others, one of the only good memories of that year. He thought about how he now had a lifetime ban from quidditch.

He thought about the Occlumency lessons with Snape. Oh How he hated that man, he hated that Snape had seen the memories that he had worked hard to keep from everyone including himself. He hated how after Snape had found out about the neglect from his relatives he only sneered at him and didn't even care about the fact that he was nearly starved summer after summer, or how he is occasionally hit or shoved or kicked by his uncle, or smacked on the back of the head by a frying pan from his aunt a couple of times, or how Dudley and his gang of friends chase him around beating him up, throwing things at him or playing there favourite game 'Harry hunting'. He hated that no one truly cared for him in the way he would like.

He then thought about Sirius, the only person who had ever offered to love him like his very own a parent figure. He of course had mrs Weasley but it wasn't the same. Then there was Hagrid and, loath as he was to admit it, the man wasn't suited for the job. But Sirius, who had giving him an option to leave his relatives house, who told him some things that were going on in the meetings. The only man who saw Harry not as someone famous who was destined to save the world or some child who was to young to know about issues that were concerning even himself, the only one who saw Harry as a person who was not some stupid little kid who shouldn't know anything but someone who had a right to know what was going on. Someone who had too big of a weight to carry all on his own, Someone who saw him as a normal person who had to grow up to fast and was willing to tell him what he needed to know.

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