A Mouse In The House

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Niall Horan (soon to be Malik), woke up particularly groggy that rainy Thursday morning, having not slept well at all the night before.

Like any other day, he stepped into the bathroom across the hall to shower and sit upon the throne, when all of a sudden, something small scampered across his toes.

Niall's eyes widened. That something had squeaked.


"WHOA! Hey, hey, what happened?" Zayn had awoken to Niall's screams, thinking that he had suffered some serious injury.

Niall had jumped into his arms and wrapped his legs around the other's waist.

"Zayn, oh my god! T-there w-wa-was a-a m-m-m-mOUSE!" The little creature had made it's second appearance, only this time it ran behind the toilet.

Zayn only laughed, throwing his head back.

"Niall, you big baby!"

"I'm not a b-baby! I-It ra-n ac-across xmy feet!" The Irish boy only held ontp Zayn tighter, burying his head in his lover's neck.

"Awww, babe." Zayn cooed at his fiancée.

"Will you catch him?" Niall whispered, finally calmed down enough that he didn't stutter.

"You're lucky I love you."

Niall just smiled.


And so Zayn spent the rest of his beloved morning chasing the furry thing around their bathroom, while Niall sat happily on the counter, swinging his legs and licking an ice-cream cone.


Zayn Javaad Malik


Niall James Horan

     invite you to

celebrate the joyous

  occasion of their


this May the twenty-fifth


two-thousand and fifteen


two-thirty in the evening

(gifts accepted)



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