Chapter Twelve: Catch and Release

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It was late, twenty past eleven when we arrive along the border of Mississippi and Louisiana, a thick lining of woods with a dirt path leading straight to a large manor. The sound of laughter and smell of beer filled my senses, as I witness dozens of people dancing by their cars while all listening to the same radio station. They were free and careless, all humans and vampires mixed together with a little group of lycans. Confusion came over me from the site, Lucas connection to virgin blood settled in the home; which he obviously held enough trust with to ask for such a favor.

"How do you know this guy?" It took a full day and a half to ask, I tried not to pry, but I was too curious about his past. For the past two months since we started to date, he only opened up about his brother and a little about his parents; other details of his life was closed in. Not that I'm spilling beans about my life either, my life isn't as exciting.

Lucas parks further from the throng that was clearly drunk on booze of fresh blood. "Back when I was younger, I use to hang out around here a little after police academy. The guy is a vampire and we just end up being associates. Maybe you should stay in."

I raised a brow at his request while unbuckling my seatbelt and climbing out. I took in the country music, the flirtatious screams of the half naked women, and the slightly aggressive men that suck their teeth in their delicate flesh, taking in the warm blood as some rolled down their chins. They did not hide their feast as the women did not hide their pleasure from the gruesome act. I kept my eyes forward, making sure not to give any eye contact or witness something truly gruesome that'll result in a facial reaction.

Before we could step through the threshold, Lucas wraps his arms around my waist in a protective way and whispered in my ear. "Stay close to me."

The manor was large, filled with the same creatures like outside, the walls painted red with medieval battle armor and portraits. A larger portrait settled on the balcony, showing who owned the house and started this party. He looked our age, red hair and strong jaw, pale with green eyes- a rare genetic. "That's him?" I whispered back.

"You son of a bitch." A loud cackle formed over the music as the humorous insult made Lucas growl and tense. Answering my question, the red head wrapped his long pale arms around the growling lycan and kissed his cheek- not caring about the murderous look in his eyes. "Lucas Maynor, city detective." His green eyes flickered my way twice, his nostrils flared as he take in the new scent in the air. "And who may this lovely being be?"

He grabbed my hand, placing a cold kiss upon my flesh that made me shiver. "Even though are covered in his scent, I can still detect the apples and sweetness upon you."

"Alright Don, that's enough." Snatching my wrist back, Lucas placing a more protective hold on more, sending the charming and creepy vampire back.

Placing his hands up in surrender, Don formed a devious smile as his gaze flickered into amusement. "Lucas, so possessive. Come along, let's discuss business." With a wave of his hand, he leads us through the bloodlust crowd and into the living room full of male vampires and human women. They were all high or about to be, seductive and half naked.

I felt a little out of place amongst the group, especially when sitting next to a young blonde half naked model like being. She smoked a cigarette and made it look sexy while doing it. Don sat on the other couch, arms spread out as if he were the king, which he most likely was amongst the border. 

"Delilah, go get Erin." Don did not have to look at the blonde for her to move. Putting out her cigarette, she slides off the leather seat and stride out the room, swaying her hips effortlessly. A few minutes past when the blonde came back with a younger woman no older than eighteen, she looked out of place, awkwardly standing amongst the room while trying to keep her eyes off of Don's charming features.

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