Chapter 1: The next chapter of our lives

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AN: Hi! If you're reading this you're probably coming from the first story of this series so, welcome back to you. If this is the first time you're reading my works or the first time you're hearing about Always and Forever then make sure you check out A Secret To Be Kept first! For all of you returning folks, I'm so excited to be sharing more with you. This Hosie story has become something I've loved more than any of my works so let's continue it together. Before we dive in I want to just make you all aware of some things. 1. We're going to say the Salvatore School goes until you're 19. This story takes place after Josie's graduation so now Josie is 19 and Hope is 21. 2. The story has completely derailed from the show now so you won't have to worry about spoilers or anything. 3. For those of you who wanted to know Lizzie and Alaric's reaction, I added a small prologue taking place right after the last chapter of ASTBK but after that, we're back in "present tense". Without further ado, let's dive in! Enjoy!

- B


"Oh my god! Show me the ring! Tell me everything. Was it sappy like those romance movies you always watch?" Lizzie gushed over her sister's announcement.

Josie just takes it all in while she watches her blonde twin get hyped up.

Josie sticks out her hand to show Lizzie the newly added ring on her finger as she starts to tell the story.

"It was everything I could've ever imagined and more." Josie can't help but smile at the memory of just a few days ago.

"This ring is gorgeous. Who would've thought Hope Mikaelson would have this good in taste in engagement rings." Lizzie fawns over the diamond cut ring.

"I know right. And it's not just any ring. It's the family ring her dad gave her which she had custom done for me." Josie slightly brags.

Lizzie just looks at her with jaws dropped.

Gently shaking her head, Lizzie finally composes herself again.

"So, tell me everything. How did she do it? Did she get on one knee and everything? Oh my gosh, did she put it in food or something like those idiots do in movies?" The blonde girl starts to ramble again.

Josie laughs at her sister's enthusiasm.

"She took me to a place called the Bayou where her mom's pack used to live. And yes, she did get down on one knee and no she didn't put it in food." Josie grins widely.

"Good for her. It'd be kinda sad if you ate your own engagement ring. How romantic could that possibly be."

"Haha yeah, probably not the best way to ask someone to marry you." Josie lets out another laugh.

"Well, I'm so happy for you Josie. Genuinely. Not only did my favorite twin sister find her true love, now my best friend is going to be my sister-in-law! Oh my gosh, I'm going to start planning your wedding right now. It's going to be as great as Nick Jonas and Priyanka's Vanity Fair wedding." Lizzie shoots up from Josie's bed in excitement.

Before Josie can object, Lizzie runs out of their shared bedroom to collect materials.


Before Hope returns to her room after a long drive back home she makes a quick stop at Dr. Saltzman's office.

For the first time, Hope actually knocks on his door.

"Come in!" Hope hears behind closed doors before opening them and stepping in.

"Hope, you're back. How was New Orleans?" Dr. Saltzman meets Hope halfway.

"It was amazing. And just to let you know, Josie said yes." Hope responds with a beaming smile on her face.

Always and Forever (Hosie)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon