Chapter 13: Just you and I

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AN: We're back to our usual pace of things everyone! But sadly that also means back to the usual chapter lengths but I promise this chapter will be a good one. I smiled so much while writing it. This chapter actually was not meant to turn out the way it did. I couldn't fit a scene I wanted into the last chapter so I told myself I'd add it to this one and ended up just writing the whole chapter around it. I hope y'all enjoy and love me forever for this! (I'm kidding, you don't have to love me forever but please do love me a little.)

- B

POV Hope

When we finally get back from lunch Josie and I spend the rest of the day helping Lizzie and Penelope finish pack so they don't miss their flights.

"Ugh, I wish I could just stay here forever. But dad needs me to come back to the school to help out with Hope being gone." Lizzie says in a disgruntled tone as she pulls her suitcase out the door.

"I'm sorry Lizzie and tell your dad I'm sorry as well again. I wish I could be more hands-on but right now Josie needs me more.

I look to my right where Josie is standing and she gives me a thankful smile.

"You know you can visit anytime you want Liz," Josie walks up to Lizzie and pulls her into a hug.

"Yeah, I know. Well, you two rascals try to stay out of trouble without me here which has proven to be hard but I do have a life after all." I laugh at Lizzie's change in complaint.

"Haha, we'll try. Are you sure you don't want me to drive you to the airport?" I ask Lizzie for the second time today.

When offered before, Lizzie just said she'd take an Uber.

"Yeah, you two probably need as much cuddle time possible anyways, which I totally don't want to imagine but it's true. So, you go do that and I'll just enjoy what hopefully is a 5 star Uber ride." I laugh once again at Lizzie's comment.

"Have a safe flight Lizzie and tell dad we miss him. Also, don't forget to call when you land."

Josie, her usual self goes through her list of things to remind Lizzie of.

"Okay, if I stay any longer Josie might re-learn her co-dependency so I shall leave now."

With that Josie and I watch Lizzie walk out and get into her now arrived Uber.

As Lizzie's car drives away Penelope approaches us from behind.

"I guess this is goodbye for now."

Both of us turn around to see the raven-haired girl standing in front of us.

"Thank you again for coming Pen. I appreciate everything." Josie walks up to the girl and hugs her.

"You know I'm always here for you Jojo." Penelope smiles at the tall girl between us.

"Josie's right. Thank you and I also appreciate all your help. I don't know if we would be here if it wasn't for you." I genuinely thank the girl.

"You guys deserve to be happy and the world just needs to cut you some slack. I'm just glad I got to be a small part of making that happen."

"If you need anything please don't hesitate to call us. I owe you one." I flash her a half smile.

"Will do Mikaelson. With being said, I think that's my ride pulling up so I think that's my cue to go. It was nice meeting your family Hope and I'm glad you're better Josie."

Penelope says her last goodbyes before getting into the car and driving away as well.

"And then there were two," I turn around and wrap my arms around Josie's slender waist.

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