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"YOU?!" My eye widen as i stare at CEO. It same man I spilled coffee on. He stare at me with smirk. He eyes no show any emotion. "I've beenw aiting. You're five minutes late." I huff. "Well, I wasn't expecting this place to have 30 floors, and your office to be the top one! Sorry the elevator is slow." I cross my arms. "I can't believe i'm your personal assistant. Shoot me now." He click his tongue. "Now, is that the way you speak to your boss and the person you burned with your coffee. My chest still hurts from where you spilled it. Had to throw out the new shirt as well. The stains wouldn't come out." I glare at him. "Well boo hoo. Someone had to waste money that probably didn't affect their bank account at all." Someone clear there throat. me and Mr-annoying-pain-in-the-ass-CEO turn to see Jingon standing there awkwardly. "I'll take my leave now." He close door and leafe ne aloen with Annoying CEO man. "All right. To start off, you will be referring to me as Mr. Park at all times. You will obey any order you are given. And you are to not talk back to me, am i clear?" I scoffed. "Are you my father? What the hell is with these dumb rules? I am an assistant, not your slave." Mr. Park rolled his eesy and jabs inside of his cheek with his tongue. "I see you're disobeying the third rule already." I cross my arms. "Because I won't stand for the unjust rules." He ignored me and walke to desk. He sit down and prop leg up on top. He grabbesd a Rubik's cube and fiddled with it. "First order of business from my personal assistant: grab me a coffee, won't you, darling? Three sugars and cream. Make it snappy." He snap his fingers. He spin chair away form me and play with cube. I huff and exit office. Closest coffee area is on the 29th floor. Financing is there. I step into elevator and head down to floor. Elevator ding and i stepp otu. I see bunch of people typing away at computers. I sigh. Im happy im not working there. I head toward coffee room. I hope the coffee doesn't cool off by time i get back. I step into coffee room. A woman already there. She look back to see me. She smile. "Here to make coffee, too?" She seem nice. I nod. I walk closer and she move to side. She grab her coffee and take a sip. "Are you new here? I don't think I've seen you around the financing department." I tap my foot at the coffee pours into the cup. "Uh... I'm catually the CEO's assistant. Just came down here for some coffee for him." The woman blink. "He has the whole top floor to himself but doesn't have a coffee room there? What a nice guy. I'm sorry you have to work for him." I pour cream into the coffee and add sugar. "Do you dislike him?" She sucks in a breath. "Not exactly. I just know he isn't the most pleasant to assistants. We've had four assistants quit in the past week, so yeah, he sounds so peachy." I tense. That many people in such a short ime. Wtf does he do to them? "Actually, i heard Sales and Marketing were supposed to get a new intern, but they changed the person to an assistant. Do you happen to be the girl?" I nod my head shyly. "I've heard Sales and Marketing here is fun. Wish you could have gone there instead of be stuck with the devil himself." She threw her empty cup away. "Well, good luck. You'll need it." She start heading out. "Wait! What's your name?" I asked her. "Keily. Now hurry before the CEO gets mad." She waved and leave. I look at coffee. Shit! I better hurry. I put lid on coffee and run into elevator. I rapidly press button. Keily was nice, but she distracted me. I should have left five minutes earlier.. I leave eleevator once it ding and rush to Mr. Park's room. While I do hate the man, I hatte being late more. I open door to see he on phone. He sitting upsidedown in spinnie chair. twirling phone chord around his finger. He look up at me. And go abck to talking. I walk to him and hand him coffee. He take a sip and grimace. "I'll call you back." He set phohne donw. "The fuck is this? It's sweet as fuck!" "You told me three sugars, and I put in three sugars. I don't know what you want me to do." He shoved coffee toward me. "Take a sip." I roll my eyes and grab it. I take sip. I spit it out. Too sweet. "See? You messed up my coffee. Remake it now." He stand up. He turn me around and push me out door. "And don't take ten minutes, okay?" He slam door in my face.

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