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The week felt like a yesr. I watched a bunch of videos and finished a bunch of series and was left bried often. Hope never haooen again. Screw ellie. I enter work. I bow to jisoo at front desk. She smile at me. At least someone nice. I walk to elevator, i hear people whispering about me. Nto good stuff but idc. I stsnd infront elevstor:-. It open and jingon step out. "Felling better, Ms, ly?" Eh aksk. I nod. "I kniw you wish not to speak with him, but yuri is wwaiting for you. It would be best to smooth things out with him." I nodded again. Guess i gotta adult now and be bigger person. I step into elevayor and go up to 30th floor. I take deeo breath. I knock on mr park door. I hear his voice and suck in breath. I open door. I see him sitting at desk, helbows propped on top and hand rubbing his eyes. "I heard you wanted to speak with me, Mr park." He look up st me. "Welcome back, Ms. Ly. I want to begin by saying I apologize for the way I treated you. I didn't listen to what you had to say and assumed everything. The second day you were gone, jingon spoke with me. He told me how I was incorrect and unjust." He sigh snd lean back. "He was right. I was a fool. I would have called you back immediately, but he told me you wished for time off. I know my actions were hurtful towards you, and it will be hard for me to make up for it, but I want to tell you that I'm sorry for painting you out to be a bad person when you are far from it."  He seem very sorry. Maybe i forgive. I sigh. "All thag matters is I'm back and you learned somehting from this, now, what do you want me to do?" He chucke. "Getting right to it, aren't you?" I step closer to him. I lean over desk. I look into his eyes. "I like getting down to business." (I lie. I procrastinate too much.)He smirk. He lean close to me, our face few cenitemetrr apart. "Good to hear." My eye flit down to his lips. I want to lean in but beforw i can he lean back and grab something. He plop it down onto desk with loud slap. I flinch. He smile up at me sickly sweet. My eyes wide at sizeof packet on desk. "Complete this as soon as possible." "What is all this?" "It's all the work you missed the past week." He smule at me. I chujcle humorlessly. "You're kidding me." We maintain eye contact for while. He breaks it. "You're right. I'm joshing you. You onlyhave ti look thru first three pages. The rest is just random papers." I sigh in relief. I turn to leaf. "Ah, and please be swift. We have a business trip tonight." A business trip? With Yuri?! God help me now!

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