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After I got the file, I completed the work in it and relaxed watching bananafish. Too bad peace never lasts. *RrrrriIIiIIIiinG* I keep watching video. Ringing stops. *RrrrriIiIiiiNg* I ingore again. *RrrrrRRRIIIiiiiiiiiInNnGG* i roll my eyed and pause vid4o. Dumb phone interrupted me. I pick it up. "How may I help you?" I ssid with sickly swee voice. "Oh, is this Ms. Ly, my personal assistant?" I sigh. Of course it's Mr Park. "What do you want?" The line silent for a bit. "I want an ice paxk for my poor bruised leg. Someone was mean and kicked me real hard." Maybe if you hadn't been such a douche, I wouldn't have kicked you, douche. "Right away, sir." "Ooh, I like the soune of that." Mr park say. I make a disgusted face when i understand what he mean. "Your isgusting and a disgrace to humankind." He gasp thru phone. "Don't kink shame me!" "Woops, just did." I hang up and huff. Big baby cant do ahit hinself. I flail around in anger before i blow hair noutta my face and get up. Even if i dont wanna get him ice, i shuld. He can fire me if i dont. In fact, hes threatened me a few times before when i ouldnt get him things. I need the job to help pay for the rent since lily's been paying most of it. This jobs gives me a fair amount of money, and i can pay rent and ave some left over to save. Jk, i spend it on hoodies. I go to ice mahxine and put it in bag since i aint boutta step into the elevator and go down to the front desk to ask for an ice pack just to go back uo the elevatro. I grab paper towle and wrap it around the ice that i double bagged for sfaety. Ni spillage on my watch. I walk toward mr park office, i push open door not csring to nock. He sitting in chair a girl in lap. They making out and she taking shirt off. I clear throt. They stop. Girl look at me petrified. Mr park no care. The girl jumo off his lap and rush out no look back. I glare at the messy figure of mr park, a lazy smirk on his face. I chuck the ice at him. He catch it. "Use the ice to reduce the inflammation of your ego. Maybe that'll help you realize you ain't all that." I told him. He xhuckles humorlessly. "someone sounds angry." "No shit! Every time you call me in for something, you're making out with some random worker. I don't wanna see that shit." He raise an eyebrow. "Would you rather experience it instead?" I glare. "You. Are. Disgusting." He shrugs. "You'll come around eventually." I open door to leave, before i exit, i turn to him and say, "I hope the bag bursts over your dick and the cold shrivels it into the size of a raisin." I sam the door closes.

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