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"The bastard acts like he can get anyone he wants and its infuriating. He keeps making out with women whenever i stepm into the moffice and its ggross ." I tell Lily as i grab a french fry and pop it into my mouth. She hums from beside me, her mouth full of fries. I watch as she seallows. "Tea, hoe." She sips her drink. "Though, it sounds like you're jealous. Do you envy the girls he kisses?" I slap her shoukder. "No, that's gross. In fact, I think he's the one trying to make me jealous!" Lily rolls her eyes. "And why do you think that's what he's doing?" I grab my drink and take a sip. I looked at her with a 'duh' expression. "Becuz everytime i enter and he's making out with a random whore-" she slap me hard and tell me no slut shaming. "Sorry, girl, he alway look at me with a smug look on his face after the girl leaves! And this is like the tenth time it's happened!" Lily rubs her chin in thot. "Sounds sus." I nod my head. "Tell me about it. And he keeps try to insinuate that I want to be in there place. He has done nothing to deserve me." "You go, girl." "Anyway, enough about my asshole boss. How have you been?" I prop my elbow on couch back and rest head on fist. I look at Lily. "Oh, you know. Just getting caught up in the mafia." My eyes widen. "Are you being serious?" She srhug. "Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not. Nothing interesting is going on with me tho." I abou tto open mouth toa sk question, but her phone ding and she look at it then stand up. "Welp, gotta head in tow ork. Someone wants me to take over tehir shift, and i can get more pay if i do it. See ya later, rat! Don't strangle your boss!" She wave to me before she leave. Once gone, i realize she lef tme with all the trash. "That whore." i curse her. I throw trash away and lounge on couch in my hoodie and leggings. I flip thru tv channels. I would check netflix, but it hadn't been working well laetely, so normal tv it is. BORING. after flipping thru channels fior a while an no finsing anyring intereedtnig, I turn it off and close my eyes. Work been triing me out. I suhdl take nap. I dcide to s.eep. I start dreaming of Christian Yu, but a loud knock interrupt me. I groggily get up. I no expecting someone. It probs Lily and she just forgot a key or sumthn. I get up and open door without much thot. I should probably pay moe attention or i may get kidnapped. Oh well. My tiredness instatnly disappears hwen i see Mr. Park infront of me. He look outta breath. He push inside apartnmetn without explanation. I stumble outta way. "Umm... What are you doing here?" He ignore me and turn around. He grab my shoulder. "I've been looking for you everywhere. Where have yoou been?" I furrow eyebrows. "I told the front desk that I was talking a day off. I thot they told you." He release my shoulder. And rub his forehead. "Did you at eastl finish the documents I sent you yesterday?" I nod slowly. "Good. I need them instantly." "Why?" "A last minute meeting got called, and those documents are important." I stand up ang go into my room. I enter and grab documents. I brought them home to complete them. Now I'm happy I finished them last night. I should probably go to sleep earlier. Oh well. I hold the papers out to him. "You are a life saver!" He grab me and pull me into a hug, my head on his chest. I hear his erratic heartbeat probably from running up stairs. My own heart speeds up. His embrace feels so comforting and warm. It ends to soon and when eh pull awya i miss his arms around me. He grab papers orm me. "Thanks again." He rushes out of my apartment, leaving me to battle with my emotions. Did he just hug me?

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