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Ellie make me wanna rip my ears off and skao her with them. Her voice reminds me of nail on chalkboard. And i die inside whenever she say dAdDY to yuri. She tr4ats me as if i am beneath her, and if I didn't have a reoutation ti uphold, i would beat the shit outta he. After kiss w/ yuri, a tension built betwrrn us and we try to get aline time to smoochie smooch too bad annoying tits keep popping up wither annoying face and voice and fake boobs and interupting. I found out she his ex. Yikes. I see why he break up with her. I wslk  to mr parks office to drop off documents. I knock on door. I hesr no voice. I turn handle. It open. I push open door. Sitting right in mr parks chair is ellie. Her shirt hss buttons loose exposing her tits. Her hair is pulled back and out of face. Her lips are red and glossy. She look ready to tive blowjob. She sigh when she see mme "i was hoping yuri would eneter. Too baf it's just his playtoy. Was really looking forward to a fun time today." She stretch her arms, and get up fro chair. She walk toward me. I notice her short skirt. Her outfit look like a slutty school girl. She bumo me. "You better not try anything funny with my baby, or i will end you. He is mine, so don't get any ideas." She hiss. I snicker. "What's so funny, bitch?" I look into eyes, "you act like you two are still together. Last i heard, you were his ex. Even if you were his girlfirend, your creepy possessiveness ain't cute and is borderline disgusting. He's nit  object to be had." Her eyes flahd red, she lung at me. I stumble back out of office. Her long ass nail scratch me and i hiss. I feel like am bleeding. She try grab hair. I grab her ponytail and yank. She fall to floor with yelp. I climb on top of her and try to stop movements. I no want more scrstch. She flail around under me. "Crazy bitch." I mutters. I hesr elevator ding. And turn to see mr park exiting. Annoying tits bithc indtsntly starts crying under me, "Yuri! Help me! Your assistant is assaulting me!" His eyes flit to us. They widen. He rush forward and pull me off her harshly. He helo her up. "Are you okay, ellie? Did she hurt you? What happened?" He hold her n arms. She cryinto chest. "I-i was just s-sitting in your o-office, waiting for y-you, and she barged in-in and started belittling me, calling me slut and-and whore. She hit me too!" I stare dumbfounded. Is yuri buying this shit? He turn ot me. He angry. He releases ellie and walks up to me. "What is your problem, Angela? Why would you hurt her? What did she ever do to you?" I give offended look. "She's the one who actually attacked me! She was acting ws if she owned you, snd i told her she didn't. It enraged her and she lunged at me. I didn't hit her at all. I only oulled her hsir to stoo her from hitting me." "She's lying!" Bitch say.He whisper something to ellie. She nod and go into elevator. She stick tongue out at me before door close. He urn to me and shake head at me. "I cant belueve youd adsault her Angela. I thot you were better than this." My mo8th gape. "Seriously? Why are you not believeing me? I didn't attack her!" He sigh. "I'm giving you a week off work to think about your actions. You are a valuable asset to this company; I don't wish to fire you, but I can't have word going around that my assistant assaulted someone. I'm sorry, but go home for today and reflect please." Ears build in my eyes. Why he no believe me? My lio quiver. "Fine. If that's whst you believe is best." I go to elebator snd step in. I glare at him as doors close. Teary eyes. I can't belueve he doubts me.

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