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Yuri and I went to restaurant. We rented out place to celebrate alone. It was small area. Intimate. We order alcohol and food. "I can't believe it went so easily!" I sayd to Yuri. He sigh and grab wine glass. He swirledthe drink around and took a sip. "I'm just happy it's over. My heart was beating out of my chest the whole time!" I chuckled. "You were nervous? The great Yuri Park who's as cold as ice was nervous? What's the world coming to." He rolled eyes and playfully elbow me. I giggle. "Don't patronize me. Those guys looked as if they wouldn't yield to anything I said. In the end, they said it had a lot of potential." I raise wine galss in air. "To the bright future of Park Enterprises!" He raised wine galss and we clinks them. We down wine in glass in one go. We wince. "Bad idea.' we sayd at same time. We make eyecontact after silence and laugh. LOUD. We eat lots of food and keep steady stream of drinks coming. We joke a lot abt stuff and have fun. Sudenly yuri stop laughing after he tell a funny joke. He look me in eyes. Something in eyes make me shiver. His eyes look more affectionate, full of luv and myabe something else. Might be the wine. I awkwardly laugh. "Are you drunk already?" i axed. He shake head. He leanelbow on table and rest head in hand. He tilt head and look at me. "You're beautiful, you know that?" he told me. I taken aback. I chuckle nervously. Hat was suddne. "Why do you say that? Do you want something from me?" I tried to joke. My face burn. I think i blushing. He can't just csall me beautiful like that out of knowhwere. He lean closer to me. "I mean it." His eyes flick down to my lips.He lick his. My breath hitch. "Ever since I laid eyes on you, I was captivated. You looked so pretty so effortlessly. You were as mesmerizing as a star. Maybe even more so. I knew you were the only one I wanted by my side." He lwan een closer. His breath hit my ear. "Do you feel a connection as well?" I freeze. Wtf is happening? I turn to side/ make eye contact with yuri. His eyes are filled with passion now. I wanna kiss. We lean in. Our lips touch in soft peck. Lips soft. He grab the back of my head and turned it to side. He deepen kiss. Things getting hot and heavy. We pull away with lsut fill eye. We rush back to hotel and burst into our room. He lock door and throw me on bed, ⚠Frickle frackle⚠ I layd down on bed with yuri. I curl into his side. I happy. I hope nothing ever changes.

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