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First, the cover is attractive, the designer deserves applause, and does express the meaning of the title. It's a little blurry but that might be my mobile devices that show it.
The blurb is great, it has details that are important to the plot. I just felt like a small part of the outline of the story is missing before the details of the forest. After reading it through the cover really speaks out, the green of the forest and the boy with a sword, it makes more sense then.

The prologue is a creative start.
In contrast to the first chapter, it really emphasized the view of the main characters, which is awesome.
Also, I saw some helpful comments about grammar mistakes from readers you should take a look at. It's good to double-check.
Although some of the descriptions of the location, the world around the characters is a bit extra. Simplify those descriptions, wordwise, from time to time, while also focusing more on describing the characters in the story but not just the main one.
The titles of the chapters are humorous and really play a role in expressing who the main character is.
The story, in general, is very good, I enjoyed it as a new kind of adventurous fantasy book. Reminds me of some of my favorite childhood shows I watched so that was nice. I would definitely recommend this story to my fantasy-loving friends.


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